Proof-of-concept integration of Zeebe workflow engine from Camunda with Axon CQRS engine.
The idea is to use Zeebe workflow engine instead of Sagas in Axon. Example goes through a familiar scenario of a trip booking. Workflow is used to model the sequence of events: book a car, book a hotel, book a flight and the sequence of compensating events: cancel flight, cancel hotel, cancel flight.
The advantage of this approach is that long business process can be modeled visually with Zebee's BPMN modeler, and also that there is a convenient monitoring of each worflow instance state through Zeebe's Simple monitor.
Build with mvn package
Run docker-compose build
Run docker-compose up
and wait until the workflow is deployed.
- http://localhost:8080/views/workflows should have the deployed workflow in the Zeebe's simple monitor
- http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui.html should have Swagger API
- http://localhost:8081/h2-console should have access to H2 database
Some code was copied/modified from these (open) sources: