GWT Boot Awesome Library List (Gwit a LiLi) - Collection of JavaScript Libraries with JsInterop Interfaces and Others.
- If you want to add your libraries and frameworks just make a Pull Request or create an Issue.
- π means that the current library is maintained by the author of that library.
- If you want to add the π to your libraries or frameworks you can do this in two ways:
- Create a Pull Request to add the π at the end of your libraries or frameworks line.
- Create an Issue to tell us that you maintain your current libraries or frameworks.
- Maven Plugin
- Gradle Plugin
- Starter
- Dependency Injection
- Web APIs
- UI Framework
- Router
- Event Bus
- State Management
- Testing
- HTTP and REST Library
- Jackson Library
- Validator
- Data Binding
- Date and Time
- Maps
- Diagrams
- Graphics
- Game Engine
- Physics Engine
- 3D Library
- Math Library
- QR Scanner
- ZIP Files and LZMA Compression
- File Saver
- Payment
- IBAN and BIC
- Web Worker
- Web Sockets
- Promise and Future Library
- Reactive Library
- Caching Library
- JQuery
- Node JS
- Analytics
- Auth and Security
- Miscellaneous Library
- JsInterop Generator
- gwt-maven-plugin - Maven plugin for GWT π
- gwt-gradle-plugin - Gradle plugin for GWT
- gwt-gradle-plugin - Gradle plugin for GWT
- gwt-gradle - Gradle plugin for GWT
- gwt-maven-springboot-archetype - GWT Maven Spring Boot Archetype π
- gwt-maven-archetypes - GWT Maven Archetype π
- gwt-boot-modules - GWT Boot similar to Spring Boot makes your GWT application development easy to start with π
- gwt-boot-maven-archetype - Maven Archetype for GWT Boot projects π
- dagger2 π
- sting - A fast, easy to use, compile-time dependency injection toolkit π
- crysknife π
- google-gin
- elemental2 - Web APIs based on web api π
- elemento - Web APIs based on elemental2 π
- akasha - Web APIs based on WebTack akasha-webtack π
- webfx - UI framework based on JavaFX π
- domino-ui - UI framework based on material design π
- gwt-material - UI framework based on material design π
- react4j - UI framework based on react π
- gwtbootstrap3 - UI framework based on bootstrap π
- vue-gwt - UI framework based on vuejs π
- dncomponents - UI framework based on bootstrap and material design π
- patternfly-java - UI framework based on patternfly π
- errai - UI framework based on JavaEE π
- smartgwt - UI framework for GWT from Isomorphic Software
- sencha-gxt - UI framework for GWT from Sencha Idera
- gwt-react - UI framework based on react
- angular2-gwt - UI framework based on angular
- html-ui-binder - UI framework for UI Binder but with HTML
- gwt-theo - UI framework based on Salesforce theo
- gwtbootstrap3 - UI framework based on bootstrap
- gwteventbinder - Simple event bus and a very good one! π
- arez - Fast, easy state management library π
- gwt-pushstate - HTML5 push state library
- gwtmockito - Test Mockito for GWT π
- gwt-symbolmap - SymbolMap Support Library π
- grim - Assert unexpected symbols are eliminated from output π
- domino-rest - REST framework π
- resty-gwt - REST framework π
- requestor - HTTP Event-Driven Client API framework π
- jackson-xml - Jackson library π
- domino-jackson - Jackson library π
- gwt-jackson - Jackson library
- gwt-commons-validator - Apache Library commons validator for GWT π
- gwt-bean-validators - Java Bean validators π
- hexa.binding - Fast dynamic data binding between values, DTOs, Widgets and general Java objects
- gwt-time - Library for Date and Time - Backport of functionality based on JSR-310 to GWT π
- gwt-ol - Maps library based on openlayers π
- gwt-maps - Maps library based on google maps
- charba - Chart library based on chart.js π
- gwt-highcharts - Chart library based on highchart.js
- d3js - Chart library based on gwt-d3
- gwt-chartjs - Chart library based on chart.js
- gwt-snapsvg - SVG library based on snap.svg
- lib-gwt-svg - SVG library
- lienzo-core - Graphics library for GWT
- gwt-matter - 2D rigid body physics engine based on matter-js π
- three4g - 3D library based on three.js π
- gwt.threejs - 3D library based on three.js
- vecmath - A vector math library optimized for GWT/J2CL π
- gwt-bigmath - A big math library π
- gwt-qr-scanner - QR scanner based on nimiq.qr-scanner
- gwt-qr-code - GWT QR Code Generation
- filesaver-js-gwt - Library for saving files based on filesaver-js
- paypalwithgwt - Payment library for Paypal JS based on paypal checkout js sdk
- gwt-stripe - Payment library for Stripe JS based on stripe js sdk
- iban4g - Library for generation and validation of the International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN ISO_13616) and Business Identifier Codes (BIC ISO_9362) π
- gwt-serviceworker-linker - A GWT linker that generates a serviceworker π
- gwt-webworker - Web worker lib
- gwtwwlinker - Web worker lib
- gwt-worker - Web worker lib
- webbit-gwt - Web sockets
- - Socket IO library based on socket-io
- gwt-promises - Promise library based on promise.js
- gwt-completablefuture - Completable future library
- gdeferred - Promise library
- rxjava-gwt - Reactive library π
- rxgwt - Reactive library π
- gwt-cache-filter - A servlet filter that adds the appropriate http caching headers to GWT generated files based on .cache. and .nocache. naming patterns
- universal-analytics - Analytics library
- gwt-keycloak - A keycloak authentication adapter based on keycloak.js
- gwtmap - Tool for attacking surface of GWT based applications
- gwt-commons-lang3 - Apache commons lang library for GWT π
- gwt-commons-codec - Apache commons codec library for GWT π
- braincheck - A GWT/J2CL invariant checking toolkit that is optimized out in production builds π
- org.jetbrains.annotations - A GWT/J2CL compatible org.jetbrains.annotations library π
- javax.annotation - A J2CL compatible javax.annotation library π
- gwt-goodies - Collection of JS utility / small libraries
- gwt-dnd - Drag and drop library for GWT
- jsinterop-generator - Generator to generate JsInterop files from Closure Extern files π
- akasha-webtack - Generator to generate JsInterop files from Web APIs specification WebIDL π
- typescript2java - Generator to generate JsInterop files from TypeScript