$ deno run --allow-net https://deno.land/x/cors_proxy/mod.ts
Instead of fetching https://duck.com
you can now fetch http://localhost:3000/cors/https://duck.com
You can configure the port, route, allowed URLs and allowed origins of the server via these arguments:
$ deno run https://deno.land/x/cors_proxy/mod.ts --help
This CORS proxy fetches remote URLs and adds CORS headers so that blocked Cross-Origin requests belong to the past.
You can adjust the following settings when using this module:
-p, --port, env: PORT
Port - set the port for your server (number)
Default: 3000
-r, --route, env: CORS_ROUTE_PREFIX
Route to serve requests, i.e. <your-server-url>:<port><route><requested-url>
e.g. https://cors-proxy.example.com/cors/https://duck.com
Default: "/cors/"
-u, --allowed-urls, env: ALLOWED_URLS
URLs to serve - set URLs you want to be able to forward (comma separated list, e.g. "https://domain1.com,https://domain2.org")
Default: "" ("" = all URLs are allowed)
-o, --allowed-origins, env: ALLOWED_ORIGINS
Value for Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
Default: "*" ("*" = all origins are allowed)
$ deno run --allow-net https://deno.land/x/cors_proxy/mod.ts \
--port 1337 \
--route / \
--allowed-urls https://duck.com,https://firefox.com \
--allowed-origins https://my-webapp.example.com