This repository contains Terraform code to create an Jitsi Meet instance on AWS backed by an RDS Aurora Serverless database for authentication.
You need the following before deploying this Terraform module:
- AWS Account and IAM Role to deploy these AWS resources
- Route53 Public Hosted Zone
- Route53 Private Hosted Zone
- OPTIONAL: If your Route53 zones are in a different AWS Account, the IAM Role in this account to create records in the above zones.
- ✅ Jitsi Meet (Ubuntu 18.04)
- ✅ Authentication (Users need to be authenticated to create new conferences) + Guest access (can only join existing conferences)
- ✅ LetsEncrypt certificate for HTTPS
- ✅ Collaborative working on a shared document during Jitsi conference (etherpad-lite)
- ✅ SQL Database for Jitsi authorized accounts
- ✅ Aurora Serverless
- ✅ MySQL
- ✅ Can scale down to 0 to reduce costs
- ❌ PostgreSQL (can't yet scale down to zero)
- ✅ AutoScalingGroup
- ✅ ASG notifications (+ SNS Topic)
- ❌ Mulitple EC2 instances (ASG > 1)
- ✅ CloudWatch Logs (+ CloudWatch Agent)
- ✅ Route53 Public & Private records
- ✅ OPTIONAL: Cross-Account for Public & Private records
- SecurityGroup
- ✅ Allow SSH by workstation IPv4 (can be disabled)
- ✅ Add other allowed IPv4 CIDRs for SSH
- ✅ Restrict Jitsi access CIDRs (Default: not restricted)
- ✅ OPTIONAL: AWS Key Pair (Default: true)
- ✅ OPTIONAL: SSM Parameters for AWS Key Pair (Default: true)
- ✅ OPTIONAL: Automatic EBS Snapshots via Data Lifecycle Manager (Default: true)
✔ Cross-account for Route53 records
✔ Allow additional CIDRs (+ your workstation's IPV4 CIDR) for SSH access
module "jitsi" {
source = "hajowieland/jitsi/aws"
version = "1.0.0"
aws_region = "eu-central-1"
name = "jitsi-meet"
host = "meet"
domain = "" # should match public and private hosted zone
# will result in FQDN =>
ec2_instance_type = "t3a.large"
vpc_id = "vpc-123"
public_subnet_ids = ["subnet-id-1", "subnet-id-2", "subnet-id-3"]
# If the Route53 zones are in a different AWS Account:
enable_cross_account = "1"
arn_role = "arn:aws:iam::other-account-id:role/route53-jitsi-other-account"
public_zone_id = "Z0123publiczone"
private_zone_id = "Z456privatezone
letsencrypt_email = ""
# If you want to allow other SSH IPv4 CIDRs (in addition to your workstation's IPV4 address):
ssh_cidrs = {
"first-ip-to-allow" = "",
"second-ip-to-allow" = ""
✔ Cross-account for Route53 records
✔ Only allow your workstation's IPV4 CIDR for SSH access
module "jitsi" {
source = "hajowieland/jitsi/aws"
version = "1.0.0"
aws_region = "eu-west-1"
name = "jitsi-meet"
host = "meet"
domain = "" # should match public and private hosted zone
# will result in FQDN =>
db_driver = "postgresql" # Set this for Postgres
ec2_instance_type = "t3a.medium"
vpc_id = "vpc-123"
public_subnet_ids = ["subnet-id-1", "subnet-id-2", "subnet-id-3"]
public_zone_id = "Z0819publiczone"
private_zone_id = "Z134rivatezone
letsencrypt_email = ""
To create a new user in Prosody which can create new conferences, ssh into the Jitsi instance and execute:
prosodyctl adduser newuser@<HOST>.<DOMAIN>
# Example
prosodyctl adduser
- ↪️ The Jitsi instance can be terminated at any time (AutoScalingGroup will then start a fresh new instance, but the authorized users in the SQL database will retain)
- 💰To reduce costs, you can stop the instance (e.g. with diodonfrost/lambda-scheduler-stop-start) - Aurora Serverless will then scale down to zero.
- If you do not specify a RDS DB Subnet Group (´var.db_subnet_group_name`), then the Aurora DB will be created in the same subnets as Jitsi (
⚠️ Public Subnets!) - When you enable
you need to specify (var.arn_role
) an IAM role in the AWS Account where the Public & Private Route53 Zones reside in. This role has to have the policy to allowroute53:ChangeResourceRecordSets
on the desired Route53 Zones. - Route53 records will be created in UserData => during a
terraform destroy
these records have be deleted manually (see TODO) - Only MySQL is supported at the moment, because PostgreSQL in Aurora-Serverless can not scale down to zero
- 08/02/2021: v1.1.0 (Thanks @leonardehrenfried )
- 19/04/2020: Initial commit 🚀
- Enable SG restriction of IPv6 subnets, too
- Enable Clustering with multiple jvb-videobridges for high availability and load balancing
- Aurora optional so user can provide pre-existing Aurora DB
- Add PostgreSQL even if it does not support scaling down to zero
- Create Terraform null_resource for destroy to delete Route53 records
Name | Version |
terraform | ~> 0.12 |
aws | ~> 2.40 |
http | ~> 1.2 |
random | ~> 2.2 |
tls | ~> 2.1 |
Name | Version |
aws | ~> 2.40 |
http | ~> 1.2 |
random | ~> 2.2 |
tls | ~> 2.1 |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
allow_workstation_ipv4 | Enable / Disable to allow workstation IPv4 address to be allowed in SecurityGroup for SSH access | bool |
true |
no |
apply_immediately | Whether to apply changes to the cluster immediately or at the next maintenance window | bool |
true |
no |
arn_role | ARN of IAM role to assume in cross-account scenarios | string |
"" |
no |
asg_metrics | List of metrics to collect of AutoScalingGroup | list(string) |
[ |
no |
aws_account_id | AWS account ID | string |
"" |
no |
aws_region | AWS Region (e.g. eu-central-1 ) |
string |
n/a | yes |
backup_retention_days | Days for how long Backups will be retained | number |
30 |
no |
backup_window | Daily time range during automated backups (if enabled - Default = true) will are created (UTC) | string |
"01:00-02:00" |
no |
copy_tags | Copy all user-defined tags on a source volume to snapshots of the volume created by this policy | bool |
true |
no |
cw_kms_arn | KMS Key ARN for CloudWatch encryption | string |
null |
no |
cw_retention | Specifies the number of days you want to retain log events in the specified log groups (e.g. 30 => 30 days) |
number |
30 |
no |
db_name | Name of Database | string |
"jitsi" |
no |
db_subnet_group_name | Name for DB subnet group to associate with this Aurora Cluster | string |
null |
no |
deletion_protection | Enable / Disable deletion protection for this Aurora Cluster | bool |
false |
no |
domain | The domain part of the Route53 A record referencing the Jitsi DNS (e.g. example for ) |
string |
n/a | yes |
ebs_size | EBS root block device size in gigabytes (e.g. 20 ) |
number |
10 |
no |
ebs_type | EBS root block device type (e.g. standard , gp2 ) |
string |
"gp2" |
no |
ec2_instance_type | EC2 instance type | string |
n/a | yes |
enable_cross_account | Enable cross-account with IAM Role to assume by UserData for updating of Route53 records (Valid values: 1 => Enable, 0 => Disable) |
string |
"0" |
no |
enable_dlm | Enable / Disable Data Lifecycle Manager for automatic EBS Snapshots | bool |
true |
no |
host | The host part of the Route53 A record referencing the Jitsi DNS (e.g. jitsi for ) |
string |
"meet" |
no |
jitsi_cidrs | IPV4 CIDRs to allow for Jitsi access | map(string) |
{ |
no |
key_pair_name | Name of pre-existing AWS Key Pair name to associate with Jitsi | string |
null |
no |
kms_key | The ARN, ID or AliasARN for the KMS encryption key (RDS encryption-at-rest) | string |
null |
no |
letsencrypt_email | E-Mail address for LetsEncrypt | string |
n/a | yes |
name | Name for all resources (preferably generated by terraform-null-label ) |
string |
"jitsi-meet" |
no |
preferred_maintenance_window | Weekly time range during which system changes can occur (in UTC - e.g. wed:04:00-wed:04:30 => Wednesday between 04:00-04:30) |
string |
"sun:02:30-sun:03:30" |
no |
private_zone_id | Route53 Private Hosted Zone ID to create Bastion Host DNS records | string |
n/a | yes |
public_subnet_ids | AutoScalingGroup Subnet IDs to create Jitsi Host into (=> public) | list(string) |
n/a | yes |
public_zone_id | Route53 Public Hosted Zone ID to create Bastion Host DNS records | string |
n/a | yes |
retain_count | How many snapshots to keep (valid value: integeger between 1 and 1000 ) |
string |
7 |
no |
schedule_interval | How often this lifecycle policy should be evaluated (valid values: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 12 or 24 ) |
number |
24 |
no |
schedule_name | Name of the DLM policy schedule | string |
"1 week of daily snapshots" |
no |
schedule_time | Time in 24 hour format when the policy should be evaluated (e.g. 02:30 ) |
string |
"02:30" |
no |
serverless_auto_pause | SERVERLESS: Enable auto-pause after seconds_until_auto_pause - NOTE: If cluster is paused for >7d, cluster might be backed up with a snapshot and then restored when there is a request to connect to it) |
bool |
true |
no |
serverless_http_endpoint | Enable / Disbale the Aurora Serverless Data API HTTP endpoint | bool |
false |
no |
serverless_max | SERVERLESS: Maximum capacity units | number |
2 |
no |
serverless_min | SERVERLESS: Minimum capacity units | number |
1 |
no |
serverless_seconds_pause | SERVERLESS: Seconds after which the the Serverless Aurora DB Cluster will be paused (valid values: 300 through 86400 ) |
number |
300 |
no |
serverless_timeout_action | SERVERLESS: Action to take when a Aurora Serverless action timeouts (e.g. ForceApplyCapacityChange or RollbackCapacityChange ) |
string |
"RollbackCapacityChange" |
no |
ssh_cidrs | IPV4 CIDRs to allow for SSH access | map(string) |
{} |
no |
state | Enable / Disable DLM Lifecycle Policy (e.g. ENABLED or DISABLED ) |
string |
no |
tags | Tags as map (preferably generated by terraform-null-label module.tags ) |
map(string) |
{ |
no |
tags_to_add_map | Map of extra tags to add to the snapshots | map(string) |
{ |
no |
timezone | Timezone set in the EC2 instance UserData | string |
"Europe/Berlin" |
no |
vpc_id | ID of VPC | string |
n/a | yes |
Name | Description |
endpoint | Endpoint for RDS Aurora cluster |
fqdn | FQDN of Jitsi-Meet |
instance_profile_arn | ARN of EC2 Instance Profile |
role_arn | ARN of EC2 role |
sg_id | Jitsi SG ID (e.g. for adding it outside of the module to other SGs) |
sns_topic_arn | Jitsi ASG scaling events SNS topic ARN |