iOS example to create a parallax effect that bounces and grows the top image as you scroll
While toying around with parallax for the CNN iPhone app, I came up with a bouncy effect that makes the image larger as the table view bounces. Many other apps (including Kickstarter, Etsy, Trello, etc) started using the same effect. So I thought it would be good to show a simple example of how this can be done. The code is actually super easy once the views are setup.
######Apple iPhone5 Launch Event (image from CNET)##Usage
Check out BouncyParallaxViewController's scrollViewDidScroll method in the example code
Latest iOS SDK (7.0+)
BouncyParallax is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Created by Hamed Hashemi
CNN logo is copyright of TBS
sample.png is credited to Jeff Turner, Flickr (http://goo.gl/P2IyIM)