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Special Panels without navigation. Can be used as a screensaver.
Panel Weather weather
Provides a display with weather details and time / date.
Panel Clock clock
Provides a display with time / date and weather details.
Panel ClockTwo clocktwo
Provides a display with time as written text.
Panels with navigation. For showing entities.
Panel Grid grid
Panel with 6 entities in a grid.
Panel Row row
Panel with 5 entities in rows.
Panels with navigation. Main Display Elements.
Panel Light light
Panel to control a light entity.
Panel Media media
Media control panel.
Panel Vacuum vacuum
Vacuum control panel.
QR-Code panel for Wifi Details or other informations / urls.
Panel Cover cover
Cover panel.
Panel Climage climate
Climate panel.
Panel Timer timer
Timer panel.
Different panels.
Popup Unlock popup_unlock
Popup for locking and unlocking panels.
Popup Notify popup_notify
Popup for notifications.
Popup Select popup_select
Popup for selecting values.
System panels. The system panels are always available and there is no need to configure them.
Panel Blank sys_blank
Blank panel is used for sleeping.
Panel System sys_system
System panel is used for loading, when loosing connection, this panel will be automatically set if the device looses connection.
Panel Settings sys_settings
System panel for device settings.
Panel About sys_about
System panel for about details.