- create an app
- go to openweather.org, create an account and login and get api keys by clicking on profile
- copy api key and keep it
- we will get a mail for api key and example of api call copy it and keep it or can also be done by current weather data->api docs
- Like this : [https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=${cityName}&appid={apikey}]
- apikey : [f9ad0d563e1d98c23693e24c1ac143bf]
- In components folder > searchForm.jsx, make a search input and button
- To default icon, go to weather icons and used a Material ui icons.
- weather.css file to apply all styles and mediaquerys and its also responsive web site
- In second file weather from components folder
- And fetches time for every sec and displayes o UI.
- Handles Every request useffect and usestate hook to manage the state effectively
- fetch the current Weather Using openweathermap Api and manage their data handles their errors as well and covert the units kelvin to celcius
- And Another file weatherDetails.jsx to maintain Ui components and details to display
- If Have reference click here : [https://weatherapp-ap.netlify.app/]