… provides a Django management command to create ready-to-login super users during development.
Install the pip package locally or globally:
pip install [--user] django-createsuperuserwithpassword
Enable the Django management command by extending your Django project settings:
INSTALLED_APPS += ("django_createsuperuserwithpassword", )
Call the command — e.g. from within a container entrypoint script — like this:
python manage.py createsuperuserwithpassword \
--username admin \
--password admin \
--email admin@example.org \
If you want to help fix a bug, an easy way to spin up a development environment is:
git clone https://github.com/hartwork/django-createsuperuserwithpassword
cd django-createsuperuserwithpassword
docker-compose up --build
django-createsuperuserwithpassword is based on code by Adam Charnock licensed under the MIT license that started out at adamcharnock/swiftwind-heroku.
Sebastian Pipping added and fixed a few things, on top.