This script creates instances on GCP
To run gcloud commands, you need the GCP SDK.
Guide to install:
Now just do login on gcp
gcloud init
To create instances you need to a VPC, use the follow command:
gcloud compute networks create "network-name" \
--project="your-project" \
--subnet-mode=auto \
--mtu=1460 \
#IF you need create a Firewall
#This is just a sample
gcloud compute --project="your-project" \
firewall-rules create "rules-name" \
--direction=INGRESS \
--priority=1000 \
--network=cka-k8s \
--action=ALLOW \
--rules=all \
On script just fullfil the gcp variables
#Get subnet
gcloud compute networks describe "your network-name"
export project=""
export zone=""
export machine="" # resource machine type on gcp
export subnet=""
export image="" #instance image, sample -> ubuntu
export instances=2 #Number of instances
# Now just:
chmod +x