Mlatu is a statically typed, stack-based purely functional programming language designed for simplicity, speed, and safety.
Very experimental: contributions welcome, but please don't use this in production. If you wish to contribute see here for more information.
I make announcements, discuss the languaage, and am available to answer questions on this Discord channel and this Gitter community.
Functions are first-class values, (higher-order functions) can be passed around as function arguments and results, and stored in data structures exactly as other values. The use of algebraic data types combined with pattern matching make it easy to handle very complex data structures in a natural way. The strong type system and automatic type inference provide increased safety from programming errors. Parametric polymorphism encourages the programmer to write general functions that can later be reused.
Here's a naive recursive fibonacci function:
define fib (nat -> nat) {
-> x; match (x 2 le) | true { 1 } | false { x pred fib x pred pred fib + }
20 fib println
Here's the definition of exists
in std/common/list.mlt, which demonstrates a more functional style, as well as some of the functions available out of the gate in the prelude.
define exists (for t. t list, (t -> bool) -> bool) {
-> f; true { f call or } fold-left
See the /examples
folder for more examples.
These installation instructions presume you have the Haskell Tool Stack installed. If you don't you can install it here.
Via stack
git clone
cd mlatu
stack install
Note: cabal v2-install exe:mlatu
should also work.
The Mlatu programming language
Usage: mlatu COMMAND
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
repl Start the interactive REPL
check Checks Mlatu files for correctness without running
fmt Formats Mlatu files prettily
run Runs Mlatu files
build Builds Mlatu files into an executable
Type :help
in the interactive REPL for command options.
"Mlatu" is the Lojban word for "cat", referencing Cat by Christopher Diggins, Kitten by Jon Purdy, and the fact that Mlatu is a concatenative programming language.
"Mlatu" is pronounced "melatoo".
The source is based with gratitude off of the source of Kitten by Jon Purdy.
Mlatu is licensed under the Peace Public License v0.0+ available here. The canonical version is located at