This release provides significant enhancements as follows:
- Simplified IDQL structure
- New Entity Value format to allow for different ways to express entities and sub-attributes
- New Policy Information Model support and policy validation capability
- Enhanced condition expressions that leverage PIM models to better detect comparable types (e.g. strings vs. attributes)
#57 - Implement Policy Information Model (aka Schema Support), including example validation for AuthZen scenario
#59 - Simplify IDQL JSON Policy format (flatten structure)
#65 - Adopt support for AVP Json Schema format as PIM model
#69 - Implement validation of IDQL policy based on PIM models, load model and validate added to Hexa CLI
#71 - Condition expressions enhanced to support type comparisons, conditions can now parse sets ([ “a”, “b”]) and detect string vs. attributes using schema
#67, #70 - Allow for empty Actions, Subjects, and Object values in Rego (used by Policy-OPA)