3. Deployment
OpenClassrooms Python Developer Project #13: Scale a Django Application Using Modular Architecture
Tested on Windows 10 - Python 3.9.5 - Django 3.0
Several areas of the OC Lettings app have been improved from the Python-OC-Lettings-FR project:
Technical debt refactor
- Fix linting errors
- Fix model name pluralization across the admin site
Modular architecture refactor
- Create 3 new apps: lettings, profiles and home to ensure the separation of their dedicated features
- Convert oc_lettings_site to a Django project
- Write a test suite
CI/CD pipeline using CircleCI and deployment to Heroku
- Build and test: run linting and test suite (for all branches)
- Containerization: build a Docker image and push it to DockerHub (triggers if step i. passes, for master branch only)
- Deployment: deploy the site using Heroku (triggers if step ii. passes, for master branch only)
Application and error monitoring via Sentry
- CircleCI pipeline for this project
- Available Docker images
- Deployed app on Heroku
- Error example on Sentry
- GitHub account with read access to this repository
- Git CLI
- SQLite3 CLI
- Python interpreter, version 3.6 or higher
Throughout the local development documentation, it is assumed that the python
command in your OS shell runs
the above-mentioned Python interpreter (unless a virtual environment is activated).
cd /path/to/put/project/in
git clone https://github.com/hmignon/Python-OC-Lettings-FR.git
cd /path/to/Python-OC-Lettings-FR
python -m venv venv
apt-get install python3-venv
(If previous stop raises package not found error on Ubuntu)- Activate the environment
source venv/bin/activate
(MacOS and Linux) orvenv\Scripts\activate
(Windows) - Check if the
command now runs the Python interpreter in the virtual environmentwhich python
(MacOS and Linux) or(Get-Command python).Path
(Windows) - Ensure the Python interpreter version is 3.6 or higher
python --version
- Ensure the
command runs the pip executable within the virtual environment,which pip
(MacOS and Linux) or(Get-Command pip).Path
(Windows) - To deactivate the environment,
To generate a .env file template, run python setup_env.py
Example of a generated .env file:
The file can be edited by adding:
- the Sentry project URL after
(see Sentry) - the name of the app to be deployed on Heroku
(False) orDEBUG=1
(True) (False by default)
cd /path/to/Python-OC-Lettings-FR
source venv/bin/activate
(MacOS and Linux) orvenv\Scripts\activate
(Windows)pip install --requirement requirements.txt
- Migrate database
python manage.py migrate
- Load initial data
python manage.py loaddata data.json
- Run server
python manage.py runserver
- Go to in a web browser.
- Check if the site works properly by browsing (you should see several profiles and lettings).
cd /path/to/Python-OC-Lettings-FR
source venv/bin/activate
(MacOS and Linux) orvenv\Scripts\activate
cd /path/to/Python-OC-Lettings-FR
source venv/bin/activate
(MacOS and Linux) orvenv\Scripts\activate
cd /path/to/Python-OC-Lettings-FR
- Open a shell session
- Connect to the database
.open oc-lettings-site.sqlite3
- View tables in the database
- View columns in the profiles table,
pragma table_info(oc_lettings_site_profile);
- Run a query on the profiles table,
select user_id, favorite_city from oc_lettings_site_profile where favorite_city like 'B%';
to exit
- Go to
- Login with username
, passwordAbc1234!
- Download and install Docker
- Change to the project directory
cd /path/to/Python-OC-Lettings-FR
- Make sure that the .env file has been previously created (see Environment variables)
- Build image
docker build -t <image-name> .
with the desired image name - Use
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 --env-file .env <image-name>
command, replacing image-name with the one built before
You can access the app in any web browser at
- Download and install Docker
- Go to the Docker repository: https://hub.docker.com/r/mignonh/oc_lettings/tags
- Copy the tag you would like to use (preferably the most recent)
- Use
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 mignonh/oc_lettings:<image-tag>
command, replacing image-tag with the desired tag
You can access the app in any web browser at
In order to perform the deployment and continuous integration of the app, the following accounts are required:
- GitHub account
- CircleCI account (linked to GitHub account)
- Docker account
- Heroku account
- Sentry account
The deployment of the app is automated by the CircleCI pipeline. When updates are pushed to the GitHub repository, the pipeline triggers the test suite and code linting for all project branches. If updates are made on the master branch, and if and only if the tests and linting pass, the workflow:
- Builds a Docker image and pushes it to DockerHub
- If and only if the previous step passes, deploys the app on Heroku
After cloning the project, setting up the local virtual environment (see Local development) and creating the required accounts, set up a new project on CircleCI via "Set Up Project". Select the master branch as a source for the .circleci/config.yml file.
To run the CircleCI pipeline properly, set up the following environment variables (Project Settings > Environment Variables):
CircleCI variable | Description |
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY | Django secret key: generate a random key with Djecrety or with python -c 'from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())' |
SENTRY_DSN | Sentry project URL (see Sentry) |
DOCKER_LOGIN | Docker account username |
DOCKER_PASSWORD | Docker account password |
DOCKER_REPO | DockerHub repository name |
HEROKU_APP_NAME | Heroku app name: the deployed app will be accessed via https://<HEROKU_APP_NAME>.herokuapp.com/ |
HEROKU_TOKEN | Heroku token, can be found in account settings (Heroku API Key) |
Create a DockerHub repository. The repository name must match the DOCKER_REPO variable set in CircleCI.
The CircleCI workflow will build and push the app image in the DockerHub repository. All images are tagged with the CircleCI commit “hash” ($CIRCLE_SHA1).
To create an app in your Heroku account, several methods are available:
Method 1: Create the app manually on the Heroku website. The name of the app must match the HEROKU_APP_NAME variable set in CircleCI. Install the Heroku Postgres addon for the app.
Method 2: Install the Heroku CLI. Use the command
heroku apps:create <app-name> --region eu --addons=heroku-postgresql
with the desired name for the app. The name of the app must match the HEROKU_APP_NAME variable set in CircleCI. -
Method 3: Edit the CircleCI pipeline configuration for the first commit > add one the following command lines to .circleci/config.yml whether you want to:
- Create a new app from scratch with the Heroku Postgres addon:
HEROKU_API_KEY=${HEROKU_TOKEN} heroku apps:create $HEROKU_APP_NAME --region eu --addons=heroku-postgresql
- Install the Heroku Postgres addon to an existing app:
HEROKU_API_KEY=${HEROKU_TOKEN} heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql -a $HEROKU_APP_NAME --confirm $HEROKU_APP_NAME
Note: Leave the config file unchanged if your app already exists with the Heroku Postgres addon.
The first CircleCI workflow will create the app / install the addon automatically. Remember to remove the command line added to .circleci/config.yml for future commits.
After creating a Sentry account, set up a Django project. The SENTRY_DSN can be found under Project Settings > Client Keys (DSN). Remember to add this variable to CircleCI and your .env file.
Sentry error logging can be tested via the /sentry-debug/
endpoint, either locally (with runserver
or from a Docker image) or on the deployed app at https://<HEROKU_APP_NAME>.herokuapp.com/sentry-debug/
The /sentry-debug/
endpoint raises a ZeroDivisionError (example).