This project contain and provides functionality for using generate (RSA) SSH keys to authorize an arbitrary 'client/server' connection.
SSH generated keys are used when establish encrypted sessions with the SSH server using the SSH utility.
In case you would like to use generate SSH keys to authorize your own arbitrary service in the same way as a SSH server does this utility can certainly help you.
What you typically will do is to provide SSH generated keys using typicall using a standard SSH utility see ssh-keygen.
The steps taking to establish an authorized session between a 'client' and a server using the SSH keys are the following.
A client is assumed to be in a posetion of a private SSH key.
A server is assumed to be in posetion of the client public SSH key. Typicaly the client will upload its public SSH key file to the server.
The SSHKeyAuthorizationDH object frame the functionality needed for establish an authorized session. Both the client and server app will create an instance of SSHKeyAuthorization.
- As a first step the client a server will establish a common secure key (256 bit) using the SSH public key data and the Diffe-Hellman key exchange protocol
- When having a common secure key the client and server needs to establish a secure communication channel. Chose your favourite transport and encryption.
- When having a secure communication the server will generate a challege (random 128 bytes) being encrypted with the SSH public key. The encrypted challange is sent to the client over the secure channel of choice.
- The client can only decrypt the challange if it has the SSH private key. When the client has decrypt the challange, the client will send back the challange (decrypted) over the secure channel to the client.
- The client will verify the challange from the server with the one generated to the client. If being the same the server will known that the client has the private SSH key.
The program schematically implements and test the steps above using the SSHKeyAuthorizationDH object.
There are two version included in this project, one version is establishing the key exchange using plain vanila Diffie-Hellman key exchanhge protocol, this version is using the com.sshtools.maveric library. The other version is using Diffie-Hellman (Elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH)) this version utilize the Bouncecastle library.
Worth notice is that the Bouncecastle implementation require that the SSH keys are generated using the PEM format. i.e. when generating the keys the -m PEM qualifier must be present.
$ssh-keygen -t rsa -m pem -b 2048
The program schematically implements and test the steps above using the SSHKeyAuthorizationDH object.