Secure and Minimal Docker-image of Postgresql with Pgagent and tds_fdw extensions included. Separate tags with Postgis and/or Plpython3, 3DCityDB extensions available. Will execute .sh and .sql files located in /initdb when a new datastore is created.
- VAR_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/postgres/postgresql.conf"
- VAR_FINAL_COMMAND="/usr/local/bin/postgres --config_file="$VAR_CONFIG_FILE""
- VAR_HBA="local all all trust, host all all trust, host all all ::1/128 trust, host all all all md5"
- VAR_ARGON2_PARAMS="-r" (only used if VAR_ENCRYPT_PW is set to "yes")
- VAR_SALT_FILE="/proc/sys/kernel/hostname" (only used if VAR_ENCRYPT_PW is set to "yes")
- VAR_LINUX_USER="postgres" (also database owner/superuser)
- VAR_param_data_directory="'/pgdata'" (Must be owned by UID 102)
- VAR_param_hba_file="'/etc/postgres/pg_hba.conf'"
- VAR_param_ident_file="'/etc/postgres/pg_ident.conf'"
- VAR_param_unix_socket_directories="'/var/run/postgresql'"
- VAR_param_listen_addresses="'*'"
- VAR_param_timezone="'UTC'"
- VAR_FREETDS_CONF="[global]\ntds version=auto\ntext size=64512" (contents of /etc/freerds.conf)
- VAR_SRID="4326" (only for 3dcitydb)
- VAR_SRSNAME="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326" (only for 3dcitydb)
- VAR_param_<postgres parameter name>
- VAR_password_file_<VAR_LINUX_USER>
- VAR_password_<VAR_LINUX_USER>
- VAR_ENCRYPT_PW (set to "yes" to hash password with Argon2)
Can drop all but SETPCAP, SETGID and SETUID.
Works with huggla/sam-pgagent, huggla/sam-pgadmin, huggla/sam-pgbouncer and huggla/sam-backup.