in this project i will try to make personal copy of and see how it could be work.
i will use this copy of application to improve my languages and learning English/German languages (search for idioms or some specific word in movies)
in this application there is two main section
- population section: we provide a video file (.mp4) along it's subtitle file (.srt) and the application will save them to database.
- Search section: search for phrase/word in our database and then play it on the screen.
- watch section: Watch the movie and save clips that have new terms and revision it latter.
- we need to setup SqlServer and get a connection string to database similar to the following
- update your connection string in AppSetting in api project and in the UI Project
- open Terminal and install Entity Framework Core tools
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- Navigate your Terminal to the location
and write the following commandwhich will create the database as followingdotnet ef database update -s ..\MovieQuotes.Api\MovieQuotes.Api.csproj
- Run the desktop application and populate the database
dotnet run --project .\Src\MovieQuotes.UI\MovieQuotes.UI.csproj