About movidius: https://developer.movidius.com/
(Skip caffe compared with offical document https://developer.movidius.com/start)
- Install vim and opencv:
sudo apt-get install vim
sudo apt-get install python-opencv
- Create workspace folder:
cd /home/pi
mkdir -p workspace
cd workspace
- Clone ncsdk from movidius:
git clone https://github.com/movidius/ncsdk.git
cd ncsdk
Use vim or other editor to remove line "./install-ncsdk.sh" in file install.sh (about line 40).
Run install script:
- Change folder:
cd /opt/movidius/NCSDK
Use vim or other editor to remove line "check_and_install_caffe" in file install-ncsdk.sh (about line 535).
Run script (takes about thirty minutes):
- Run example:
cd /home/pi/workspace/ncsdk/examples/tensorflow/inception_v1
python run.py
- Use "sudo raspi-config" choose "interface option -> camera" to enable camera and then reboot
- Clone our repo:
cd /home/pi/workspace
git clone https://github.com/ihere1/movidius-face
- Run (Enter 'q' in video window to exit program):
cd movidius-face/face_detect_pi/
python pi_two_devices.py
Follow https://developer.movidius.com/start install packages needed on your Ubuntu and RPI3.
- On Windows / Ubuntu machine with tensorflow, you can run python run_model.py to process pictures in run_model_input folder. Press any key to switch picture.
- On Linux with two sticks, you can run pi_two_devices.py to process pictures in two_devices_input folder. Press any key to switch picture.
Files in face_detect_pi folder:
Commands on Ubuntu to generate checkpoint folders and graph files: