An updated version of the EVM reference page at Also drawn from the Yellow Paper, the Jello Paper, and the geth implementation. This is intended to be an accessible reference, but it is not particularly rigorous. If you want to be certain of correctness and aware of every edge case, I would suggest using the Jello Paper or a client implementation.
Hex | Name | Gas | Stack In | Stack Out | Mem / Storage Out | Notes |
top, bottom | top, bottom | |||||
00 | STOP | 0 | halt execution | |||
01 | ADD | 3 | a, b | a + b | (u)int256 addition modulo 2**256 | |
02 | MUL | 5 | a, b | a * b | (u)int256 multiplication modulo 2**256 | |
03 | SUB | 3 | a, b | a - b | (u)int256 addition modulo 2**256 | |
04 | DIV | 5 | a, b | a // b | uint256 division | |
05 | SDIV | 5 | a, b | a // b | int256 division | |
06 | MOD | 5 | a, b | a % b | uint256 modulus | |
07 | SMOD | 5 | a, b | a % b | int256 modulus | |
08 | ADDMOD | 8 | a, b, N | (a + b) % N | (u)int256 addition modulo N | |
09 | MULMOD | 8 | a, b, N | (a * b) % N | (u)int256 multiplication modulo N | |
0A | EXP | A3 | a, b | a ** b | uint256 exponentiation modulo 2**256 | |
0B | SIGNEXTEND | 5 | b, x | SIGNEXTEND(x, b) | sign extend x from (b + 1) * 8 bits to 256 bits. |
0C-0F | invalid | |||||
10 | LT | 3 | a, b | a < b | uint256 less-than | |
11 | GT | 3 | a, b | a > b | uint256 greater-than | |
12 | SLT | 3 | a, b | a < b | int256 less-than | |
13 | SGT | 3 | a, b | a > b | int256 greater-than | |
14 | EQ | 3 | a, b | a == b | (u)int256 equality | |
15 | ISZERO | 3 | a | a == 0 | (u)int256 iszero | |
16 | AND | 3 | a, b | a && b | bitwise AND | |
17 | OR | 3 | a, b | a || b | bitwise OR | |
18 | XOR | 3 | a, b | a ^ b | bitwise XOR | |
19 | NOT | 3 | a | ~a | bitwise NOT | |
1A | BYTE | 3 | i, x | (x >> (248 - i * 8)) && 0xFF | i th byte of (u)int256 x , from the left |
1B | SHL | 3 | shift, val | val << shift | shift left | |
1C | SHR | 3 | shift, val | val >> shift | logical shift right | |
1D | SAR | 3 | shift, val | val >> shift | arithmetic shift right | |
1E-1F | invalid | |||||
20 | SHA3 | A4 | ost, len | keccak256(mem[ost:ost+len]) | keccak256 | |
21-2F | invalid | |||||
30 | ADDRESS | 2 | address(this) | address of executing contract | ||
31 | BALANCE | 700 | addr | addr.balance | balance, in wei | |
32 | ORIGIN | 2 | tx.origin | address that originated the tx | ||
33 | CALLER | 2 | msg.sender | address of msg sender | ||
34 | CALLVALUE | 2 | msg.value | msg value, in wei | ||
35 | CALLDATALOAD | 3 | idx |[idx:idx+32] | read word from msg data at index idx |
36 | CALLDATASIZE | 2 | len( | length of msg data, in bytes | ||
37 | CALLDATACOPY | A5 | dstOst, ost, len | mem[dstOst:dstOst+len=[ost:ost+len | copy msg data | |
38 | CODESIZE | 2 | len(this.code) | length of executing contract's code, in bytes | ||
39 | CODECOPY | A5 | dstOst, ost, len | mem[dstOst:dstOst+len] = this.code[ost:ost+len] | copy executing contract's bytecode | |
3A | GASPRICE | 2 | tx.gasprice | gas price of tx, in wei per unit gas | ||
3B | EXTCODESIZE | 700 | addr | len(addr.code) | size of code at addr, in bytes | |
3C | EXTCODECOPY | A5 | addr, dstOst, ost, len | mem[dstOst:dstOst+len] = addr.code[ost:ost+len] | copy code from addr |
3D | RETURNDATASIZE | 2 | size | size of returned data from last external call, in bytes | ||
3E | RETURNDATACOPY | A5 | dstOst, ost, len | mem[dstOst:dstOst+len] = returndata[ost:ost+len] | copy returned data from last external call | |
3F | EXTCODEHASH | 700 | addr | hash | hash = addr.exists ? keccak256(addr.code) : 0 | |
40 | BLOCKHASH | 20 | blockNum | block.blockHash(blockNum) | ||
41 | COINBASE | 2 | block.coinbase | address of miner of current block | ||
42 | TIMESTAMP | 2 | block.timestamp | timestamp of current block | ||
43 | NUMBER | 2 | block.number | number of current block | ||
44 | DIFFICULTY | 2 | block.difficulty | difficulty of current block | ||
45 | GASLIMIT | 2 | block.gaslimit | gas limit of current block | ||
46 | CHAINID | 2 | chain_id | push current chain id onto stack | ||
47 | SELFBALANCE | 5 | address(this).balance | balance of executing contract, in wei | ||
48-4F | invalid | |||||
50 | POP | 2 | _anon | remove item from top of stack and discard it | ||
51 | MLOAD | 3* | ost | mem[ost:ost+32] | read word from memory at offset ost |
52 | MSTORE | 3* | ost, val | mem[ost:ost+32] = val | write a word to memory | |
53 | MSTORE8 | 3* | ost, val | mem[ost] = val && 0xFF | write a single byte to memory | |
54 | SLOAD | 800 | key | storage[key] | read word from storage | |
55 | SSTORE | A6 | key, val | storage[key] = val | write word to storage | |
56 | JUMP | 8 | dst | $pc = dst |
57 | JUMPI | 10 | dst, condition | $pc = condition ? dst : $pc + 1 |
58 | PC | 2 | $pc | program counter | ||
59 | MSIZE | 2 | len[mem] | size of memory in current execution context, in bytes | ||
5A | GAS | 2 | gasRemaining | |||
5B | JUMPDEST | 1 | mark valid jump destination | |||
5C-5F | invalid | |||||
60 | PUSH1 | 3 | uint8 | push 1-byte value onto stack | ||
61 | PUSH2 | 3 | uint16 | push 2-byte value onto stack | ||
62 | PUSH3 | 3 | uint24 | push 3-byte value onto stack | ||
63 | PUSH4 | 3 | uint32 | push 4-byte value onto stack | ||
64 | PUSH5 | 3 | uint40 | push 5-byte value onto stack | ||
65 | PUSH6 | 3 | uint48 | push 6-byte value onto stack | ||
66 | PUSH7 | 3 | uint56 | push 7-byte value onto stack | ||
67 | PUSH8 | 3 | uint64 | push 8-byte value onto stack | ||
68 | PUSH9 | 3 | uint72 | push 9-byte value onto stack | ||
69 | PUSH10 | 3 | uint80 | push 10-byte value onto stack | ||
6A | PUSH11 | 3 | uint88 | push 11-byte value onto stack | ||
6B | PUSH12 | 3 | uint96 | push 12-byte value onto stack | ||
6C | PUSH13 | 3 | uint104 | push 13-byte value onto stack | ||
6D | PUSH14 | 3 | uint112 | push 14-byte value onto stack | ||
6E | PUSH15 | 3 | uint120 | push 15-byte value onto stack | ||
6F | PUSH16 | 3 | uint128 | push 16-byte value onto stack | ||
70 | PUSH17 | 3 | uint136 | push 17-byte value onto stack | ||
71 | PUSH18 | 3 | uint144 | push 18-byte value onto stack | ||
72 | PUSH19 | 3 | uint152 | push 19-byte value onto stack | ||
73 | PUSH20 | 3 | uint160 | push 20-byte value onto stack | ||
74 | PUSH21 | 3 | uint168 | push 21-byte value onto stack | ||
75 | PUSH22 | 3 | uint176 | push 22-byte value onto stack | ||
76 | PUSH23 | 3 | uint184 | push 23-byte value onto stack | ||
77 | PUSH24 | 3 | uint192 | push 24-byte value onto stack | ||
78 | PUSH25 | 3 | uint200 | push 25-byte value onto stack | ||
79 | PUSH26 | 3 | uint208 | push 26-byte value onto stack | ||
7A | PUSH27 | 3 | uint216 | push 27-byte value onto stack | ||
7B | PUSH28 | 3 | uint224 | push 28-byte value onto stack | ||
7C | PUSH29 | 3 | uint232 | push 29-byte value onto stack | ||
7D | PUSH30 | 3 | uint240 | push 30-byte value onto stack | ||
7E | PUSH31 | 3 | uint248 | push 31-byte value onto stack | ||
7F | PUSH32 | 3 | uint256 | push 32-byte value onto stack | ||
80 | DUP1 | 3 | val | val, val | clone 1st value on stack | |
81 | DUP2 | 3 | _, val | val, _, val | clone 2nd value on stack | |
82 | DUP3 | 3 | _, _, val | val, _, _, val | clone 3rd value on stack | |
83 | DUP4 | 3 | _, _, _, val | val, _, _, _, val | clone 4th value on stack | |
84 | DUP5 | 3 | ..., val | val, ..., val | clone 5th value on stack | |
85 | DUP6 | 3 | ..., val | val, ..., val | clone 6th value on stack | |
86 | DUP7 | 3 | ..., val | val, ..., val | clone 7th value on stack | |
87 | DUP8 | 3 | ..., val | val, ..., val | clone 8th value on stack | |
88 | DUP9 | 3 | ..., val | val, ..., val | clone 9th value on stack | |
89 | DUP10 | 3 | ..., val | val, ..., val | clone 10th value on stack | |
8A | DUP11 | 3 | ..., val | val, ..., val | clone 11th value on stack | |
8B | DUP12 | 3 | ..., val | val, ..., val | clone 12th value on stack | |
8C | DUP13 | 3 | ..., val | val, ..., val | clone 13th value on stack | |
8D | DUP14 | 3 | ..., val | val, ..., val | clone 14th value on stack | |
8E | DUP15 | 3 | ..., val | val, ..., val | clone 15th value on stack | |
8F | DUP16 | 3 | ..., val | val, ..., val | clone 16th value on stack | |
90 | SWAP1 | 3 | a, b | b, a | ||
91 | SWAP2 | 3 | a, _, b | b, _, a | ||
92 | SWAP3 | 3 | a, _, _, b | b, _, _, a | ||
93 | SWAP4 | 3 | a, _, _, _, b | b, _, _, _, a | ||
94 | SWAP5 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
95 | SWAP6 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
96 | SWAP7 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
97 | SWAP8 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
98 | SWAP9 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
99 | SWAP10 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
9A | SWAP11 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
9B | SWAP12 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
9C | SWAP13 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
9D | SWAP14 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
9E | SWAP15 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
9F | SWAP16 | 3 | a, ..., b | b, ..., a | ||
A0 | LOG0 | A7 | ost, len | LOG0(memory[ost:ost+len]) | ||
A1 | LOG1 | A7 | ost, len, topic0 | LOG1(memory[ost:ost+len], topic0) | ||
A2 | LOG2 | A7 | ost, len, topic0, topic1 | LOG1(memory[ost:ost+len], topic0, topic1) | ||
A3 | LOG3 | A7 | ost, len, topic0, topic1, topic2 | LOG1(memory[ost:ost+len], topic0, topic1, topic2) | ||
A4 | LOG4 | A7 | ost, len, topic0, topic1, topic2, topic3 | LOG1(memory[ost:ost+len], topic0, topic1, topic2, topic3) | ||
A5-EF | invalid | |||||
F0 | CREATE | 32000* | val, ost, len | addr | addr = keccak256(rlp([address(this), this.nonce])) | |
F1 | CALL | AB | gas, addr, val, argOst, argLen, retOst, retLen | success | mem[retOst:retOst+retLen] = returndata | |
F2 | CALLCODE | AB | gas, addr, val, argOst, argLen, retOst, retLen | success | mem[retOst:retOst+retLen] = returndata | same as DELEGATECALL, but does not propagate original msg.sender and msg.value |
F3 | RETURN | 0* | ost, len | return mem[ost:ost+len] | ||
F4 | DELEGATECALL | AB | gas, addr, argOst, argLen, retOst, retLen | success | mem[retOst:retOst+retLen] = returndata | |
F5 | CREATE2 | A9 | val, ost, len, salt | addr | addr = keccak256(0xff ++ address(this) ++ salt ++ keccak256(mem[ost:ost+len]))[12:] | |
F6-F9 | invalid | |||||
FA | STATICCALL | AB | gas, addr, argOst, argLen, retOst, retLen | success | mem[retOst:retOst+retLen] = returndata | |
FB-FC | invalid | |||||
FD | REVERT | 0* | ost, len | revert(mem[ost:ost+len]) | ||
FE | INVALID | AF | designated invalid opcode - EIP-141 | |||
FF | SELFDESTRUCT | AA | addr | destroy contract and sends all funds to addr |
Intrinsic gas is the amount of gas paid prior to execution of a transaction. That is, the gas paid by the initiator of a transaction, which will always be an externally-owned account, before any state updates are made or any code is executed.
Gas Calculation:
gas_cost = 21000
: base cost- If == null
(contract creation tx):gas_cost += 32000
gas_cost += 4 * bytes_zero
: gas added to base cost for every zero byte of memory datagas_cost += 16 * bytes_nonzero
: gas added to base cost for every nonzero byte of memory data
An additional gas cost is paid by any operation that expands the memory that is in use.
This memory expansion cost is dependent on the existing memory size and is 0
if the op does not reference a memory address higher than the existing highest referenced memory address.
A reference is any read, write, or other usage of memory (such as in a CALL
: the highest referenced memory address after the operation in question (in bytes)new_mem_size_words = (new_mem_size + 31) // 32
: number of (32-byte) words required for memory after the operation in questionCmem(machine_state)
: the memory cost function for a given machine state
Gas Calculation:
gas_cost = Cmem(new_state) - Cmem(old_state)
gas_cost = (new_mem_size_words ^ 2 / 512) + (3 * new_mem_size_words) - Cmem(old_state)
Useful Notes:
- The following ops incur a memory expansion cost in addition to their otherwise static gas cost:
. - Referencing a zero length range does not require memory to be extended to the beginning of the range.
- The memory cost function is linear up to 724 bytes of memory used, at which point additional memory costs substantially more.
: the number of bytes in the exponent (exponent isb
in the stack representation above)
Gas Calculation:
gas_cost = 10 + 50 * byte_len_exponent
: size of the message to hash in bytes (len
in the stack representation above)data_size_words = (data_size + 31) // 32
: number of (32-byte) words in the message to hashmem_expansion_cost
: the cost of any memory expansion required (see A2)
Gas Calculation:
gas_cost = 30 + 6 * data_size_words + mem_expansion_cost
The following applies for the operations CALLDATACOPY
has a different static_cost
than the other ops and also takes its len
parameter from a different index on the stack.
: the constant base cost for the operationstatic_cost = 3
static_cost = 700
: size of the data to copy in bytes (len
in the stack representation above)data_size_words = (data_size + 31) // 32
: number of (32-byte) words in the data to copymem_expansion_cost
: the cost of any memory expansion required (see A2)
Gas Calculation:
gas_cost = static_cost + 3 * data_size_words + mem_expansion_cost
This gets messy.
See EIP-2200, implemented in Istanbul hardfork.
The short version is the cost of an SSTORE
op is dependent on:
- Zero vs. nonzero values - storing nonzero values is more costly than storing zero
- The current value of the slot vs. the value to store - changing the value of a slot is more costly than not changing it
- "Dirty" vs. "clean" slot - changing a slot that has not yet been changed within the current execution context is more costly than changing a slot that has already been changed
: the value of the storage slot if the current transaction is revertedcurrent_val
: the value of the storage slot immediately before thesstore
op in questionnew_val
: the value of the storage slot immediately after thesstore
op in question
Gas Calculation:
- If
gas_left <= 2300
:throw OUT_OF_GAS
(can notsstore
with < 2300 gas for backwards compatibility)
gas_cost = 0
gas_refund = 0
- If
new_val == current_val
(no-op):gas_cost += 800
- If
new_val != current_val
:- If
current_val == og_val
("clean slot", not yet updated in current execution context):- If
og_val == 0
(slot started zero, currently still zero, now being changed to nonzero):gas_cost += 20000
- Else (slot started nonzero, currently still same nonzero value, now being changed):
gas_cost += 5000
and..- If
new_val == 0
(the value to store is 0):gas_refund += 15000
- If
- If:
current_val != og_val
("dirty slot", already updated in current execution context):gas_cost += 800
and..- If
og_val != 0
(execution context started with a nonzero value in slot):- If
current_val == 0
(slot started nonzero, currently zero, now being changed to nonzero):gas_refund -= 15000
- If
new_value == 0
(slot started nonzero, currently still nonzero, now being changed to zero):gas_refund += 15000
- If
- If
new_val == og_val
(slot is reset to the value it started with):- If
og_val == 0
(slot started zero, currently nonzero, now being reset to zero):gas_refund += 19200
- Else (slot started nonzero, currently different nonzero value, now reset to orig. nonzero value):
gas_refund += 4200
- If
- If
Note that for LOG*
ops gas is paid per byte of data (not per word).
: the * of the LOG* op. e.g. LOG0 hasnum_topics = 0
, LOG4 hasnum_topics = 4
: size of the data to log in bytes (len
in the stack representation above).mem_expansion_cost
: the cost of any memory expansion required (see A2)
Gas Calculation:
gas_cost = 375 + 375 * num_topics + 8 * data_size + mem_expansion_cost
Note that CREATE2
incurs an additional dynamic cost over CREATE
because of the need to hash the init code.
Also bear in mind that there is a cost incurred for storing code in addition to the costs presented here for CREATE
: size of the init code in bytes (len
in the stack representation above)data_size_words = (data_size + 31) // 32
: number of (32-byte) words in the init codemem_expansion_cost
: the cost of any memory expansion required (see A2)
Gas Calculation:
gas_cost = 32000 + 6 * data_size_words + mem_expansion_cost
Note that the gas cost of a SELFDESTRUCT
op is dependent on whether or not the op results in a new account being added to the state trie.
If a nonzero amount of eth is sent to an address that was previously empty, an additional cost is incurred.
"Empty", in this case is defined according to EIP-161 (balance == nonce == code == 0x
: the recipient of the self-destructing contract's funds (addr
in the stack representation above)context_addr
: the address of the current execution context (e.g. whatADDRESS
would put on the stack)
Gas Calculation:
gas_cost = 5000
: base costgas_refund = 24000
: base refund- If
balance(context_addr) > 0 && is_empty(target_addr)
(sending funds to a previously empty address):gas_cost += 25000
Gas costs for CALL
Note that a big piece of the gas calculation for these operations is determining the gas to send along with the call.
There's a good chance that you are primarily interested in the base_cost
and can ignore this additional calculation.
If you're not that lucky, see the gas_sent_with_call
Similar to selfdestruct, CALL
incurs an additional cost if it forces an account to be added to the state trie by sending a nonzero amount of eth to an address that was previously empty.
"Empty", in this case is defined according to EIP-161 (balance == nonce == code == 0x
: the value sent with the call (val
in the stack representation above)target_addr
: the recipient of the call (addr
in the stack representation above)mem_expansion_cost
: the cost of any memory expansion required (see A2)gas_sent_with_call
: the gas ultimately sent with the call
Gas Calculation:
base_gas = mem_expansion_cost
- If
call_value > 0
(sending value with call):base_gas += 9000
- If
(forcing a new account to be created in the state trie):base_gas += 25000
Calculate the gas_sent_with_call
And the final cost of the operation:
gas_cost = base_gas + gas_sent_with_call
Gas Calculation:
base_gas = mem_expansion_cost
- If
call_value > 0
(sending value with call):base_gas += 9000
Calculate the gas_sent_with_call
And the final cost of the operation:
gas_cost = base_gas + gas_sent_with_call
Gas Calculation:
base_gas = mem_expansion_cost
Calculate the gas_sent_with_call
And the final cost of the operation:
gas_cost = base_gas + gas_sent_with_call
Gas Calculation:
base_gas = mem_expansion_cost
Calculate the gas_sent_with_call
And the final cost of the operation:
gas_cost = base_gas + gas_sent_with_call
In addition to the base cost of executing the operation, CALL
also need to determine how much gas to send along with the call.
Calculating this is fairly involved.
Much of the complexity comes from a backward-compatible change made in EIP-150.
Here's an attempt to explain what's going on:
Basically, EIP-150 increased the base_cost
of the CALL
op, but most contracts in use at the time were sending available_gas - original_base_gas
with every call.
So, when base_gas
increased, these contracts were suddenly trying to send more gas than they had left (requested_gas > remaining_gas
To avoid breaking these contracts, if the requested_gas
is more than remaining_gas
, we send all_but_one_64th
of remaining_gas
instead of trying to send requested_gas
, which would result in an OUT_OF_GAS_ERROR
: the cost of the operation before taking into account the gas that should be sent along with the call. See AB for this calculation.available_gas
: the gas remaining in the current execution context immediately before the execution of the opremaining_gas
: the gas remaining after deductingbase_cost
of the op but before deductinggas_sent_with_call
: the gas requested to be sent with the call (gas
in the stack representation above)all_but_one_64th
: All but floor(1/64) of the remaining gasgas_sent_with_call
: the gas ultimately sent with the call
Gas Calculation:
remaining_gas = available_gas - base_gas
all_but_one_64th = remaining_gas - (remaining_gas // 64)
gas_sent_with_call = min(requested_gas, all_but_one_64th)
Also note that any portion of gas_sent_with_call
that is not used by the recipient of the call is refunded to the caller after the call returns.
On execution of any invalid operation, whether the designated INVALID
op or simply an undefined op, all remaining gas is consumed and the state is reverted to the point immediately prior to the beginning of the current execution context.