This repository stores files from a personal library which models the graphs data structure. Were used two different approaches: one which models graphs under object-oriented view point, and other which uses the adjacency matrix modeling. Bellow there is a short description of each one of them.
Uses the object-oriented (OO) to model the graph data structure. Vertices, edges, and even the entire graph are implemented as classes. Althougt this module has the standard graph definition with methods, this module also has a small language to read a graph from a file. See the object_oriented folder to more information.
Uses the adjacency matrices data structure to models the graphs. The Graph
is a class that contais and handle the adjacency matrix. The input is made by classical methods and by reading a file. See the adjacency_matrix/input folder to more information.
Fell free by contributing, forking, improving, or changing this repository. It was born to store the implementations from Grahs subject on my graduation but it is getting a recurrent use to others projects. Standardize this library may be help other people to use the graph data structure