- nand2tetris project
In this repo we have a folder named "vm" which has all the jack files :
repo/ | repo/
├── README.md/ | ├── README.md/
├── vm/ | ├── vm/
├── Board.jack | ├── Board.jack
├── Game.jack | ├── Board.vm
├── Main.jack | ├── Game.jack
├── O.jack | ├── Game.vm
├── Player.jack | ├── Main.jack
├── Wall.jack | ├── Main.vm
└── X.jack | ├── O.jack
| ├── O.vm
| ├── Player.jack
| ├── Player.vm
| ├── Wall.jack
| ├── Wall.vm
| ├── X.jack
| ├── X.vm
before Execution after Execution
To run the game we will need to first use the jack compiler so as to generate the ".vm" files . Then using those files now we can use them in the VMTranslator and then run the game and play it.
".vm" files generated after compiling the jack files using "JackCompiler.sh" from the ~/Desktop/nand2tetris/tools/JackCompiler.sh