Releases: j-andrews7/Genotify
v1.2.2 Released
This release includes fixes for a few bugs that have been popping up more and more due to data source updates. See the change log below for more details. As always, please report any issues or comments to the Issue Tracker. Executables can be downloaded below - simply extract them to a location of your choosing and run.
Release date: August 17th, 2019
- Upgraded a bunch of dependency versions to fix most security issues #43.
- Upgraded to Electron 3.1.13, which fixed the menu bar being impossible to see on linux #45.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Hits datatable to throw mad errors when hits had no symbol provided #44.
- Fixed a long standing bug due to multiple Uniprot IDs being returned. This caused errors in retrieving the Uniprot Summary and ProtVista data #40.
- Fix issues building from source on linux #42 - thanks to @hmontenegro for reporting and help troubleshooting.
v1.2.1 Released
This release includes fixes for a few edge case bugs and much better documentation. See the change log below for more details. As always, please report any issues or comments to the Issue Tracker. Executables can be downloaded below - simply extract them to a location of your choosing and run.
Release date: August 15th, 2018
- Added a link back to CTDbase in the disease associations table.
- Fixed a bug where the expression experiments search box being improperly hidden after no results were returned and then a valid query was performed.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally resulted in the Prot Vista widget crashing (thereby crashing the app) when a hit didn't have an Ensembl ID.
- Much better documentation.
v1.2.0 released
This release includes the addition of another excellent interactive widget with a rich array of protein structural, functional, and variant information. It also increases usability of the expression widget and fixes a few bugs. See the change log below for more details. As always, please report any issues or comments to the Issue Tracker. Executables can be downloaded above - simply extract them to run.
Release date: August 6th, 2018
- Added the Prot Vista widget from EBI for interactive protein data (domains, PTMs, variation, etc).
- Added a table for all expression experiments available for a given species so that the expression widget can display single experiments.
- Fixed a bug where the hits search box was being improperly hidden if no results were returned.
v1.1.1 Released
This release fixes a few minor bugs detailed below. As always, please report any issues or comments to the Issue Tracker. Executables can be downloaded above - simply extract them to run.
Release date: July 12th, 2018
- Fixed 'Gene Basics' header changing to 'Overview' after un-collapsing the section.
- Fixed a bug where headers weren't properly displayed for a hit after a query where no hits were found.
v1.1.0 Released
Several new fields/features, improved UI, and more flexible searching. Read the full list of changes below, and as always, please report any issues or comments to the Issue Tracker. Executables can be downloaded above - simply extract them to run.
Change log
Release date: June 29th, 2018
- Added splash screen.
- Added ability to limit to multiple species rather than just one.
- Added table so hits are easily navigable rather than showing the top hit only.
- Added an interactive expression data widget from the EBI Expression Atlas.
- Added concise, curated descriptions from WormBase where available.
- Added tooltips for some of the less common database accessions.
- Added GO function and Interpro domains fields.
- Added UCSC browser links for mouse and human genomic positions (mm9/hg19).
- Added curated disease associations from the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database, which includes all annotations from OMIM as well.
- Fixed multiple entries for PFAM/PROSITE causing issues with both the UI and links themselves.
- Fixed linebreaks not being properly removed from old queries.
- Fixed menu on OSX, which also resolved a bug with the hotkey command.
- Moved around various elements for better organization.
- Added collapsible sections.
- Prettified UI.
- Various backend changes to better handle missing data.
v1.0.0 - First Release
Functionality tested on all platforms, no known bugs, and the UI is workable. Report any functional bugs, UI glitches, or suggestions to the issues tracker and I'll resolve/add them quickly. Simply unzip the folder and run. Enjoy.