Create your dashboard web app with free resources using python only.
All tools stated here are free.
- Basic python - NumPy, pandas, plotly dash
- Basic knowledge of creating python virtual environment.
- VS Code, Pycharm Community or your personal choice of IDE
- Python packages required as stated in
- Total Customer: Total Number of the customer in the system
- Total Active Members: Total Number of Active Members in the system
- Total Creditcard User: Total Number of Credit card users in the system
- Geography filter:
- Percentage of Male and Female in the
- How many Customers are associated with Bank and Tenure
- Number of Products utilized by customers (Male/Female)
- How many customers have left based on Age, Credit Score, and Balance. (Geography filter)
- Gender filter
- Age-wise count of the customer in the system.
- summation Balance of Customer Geography-wise.
- Five Level Likert scale of Customers score with Active and Left customer percentage.