Source code to calculate carbon and hydrogen isotope evolution in anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), depending on availbility of sulfate. This code is part of a paper published in Science Advances with the title "Sulfate-dependent reversibility of intracellular reactions explains the opposing isotope effects in the anaerobic oxidation of methane" (Wegener G., Gropp J., Taubner H., Halevy I. and Elvert M.) [Link to paper]. In this manuscript, we describe the evolution of carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition of methane and the reversibility of the metabolic pathway as a function of sulfate concentrations.
This repository contains two versions of the model:
- A two-box model based on the model presented in Yoshinaga et al., 2014 (Nat. Geo. Sci., This model includes methane and DIC.
- A four-box model that is presented in the manuscript, which includes the metabolites methane, DIC, CH3-H4MPT, CHO-MFR and HS-CoB.
There are two main functions to run the models:
Run the function run_AOM_model_twobox()
Consists of three functions, which are initiallized by running the function run_AOM_model()
, which will use the best fit model parameters to generate a figure for the change of isptope compositions of methane and DIC with time.
In the function run_bioiso_model
the user can manually change the initial model conditions (concentrations, kinetic fractionation factors from the literature, equilibrium fractionation factors).
The function AOM_ODEs_solver
is the ODE solver for the model.
Please contact me for questions/help with using this code at ja[dot]gropp[at]gmail[dot]com.