discord rich presence for ani-cli/animdl:
your player must be mpv
, and you must have pypresence
from AUR: yay -S python-pypresence
note that this probably won't work on Windows.
start the anipresence.py
after mpv has been started.
there's many ways to do this. one hacky way:
add this to your mpv.conf
profile-cond=os.execute("/path/to/anipresence.py > /dev/null &")
patch ani-cli
- mpv*) nohup "$player_function" --force-media-title="${allanime_title}episode-${ep_no}-${mode}" "$episode" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+ mpv*) nohup "$player_function" --force-media-title="${title}episode-${ep_no}-${mode}" "$episode" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
check ./ani-patch.sh
for an automated way of pataching ani-cli