These keymaps make it possible to use a Czech keyboard layout and an IPA layout in non-normal modes of Vim. Apart from that, it provieds a modified version of the russian-jcukenwin keymap.
The plugin provides the following normal-mode mappings:
- Cycle the keymaps forward
- Cycle the keymaps backward
- Show list of keymaps
The plugin provides the following insert-mode mappings - hold the Control key and press two more keys after each other:
- Cycle the keymaps forward
- Cycle the keymaps backward
- Show list of keymaps
The Czech and IPA keymaps work properly (i.e., allow the usage of AltGr+key)
with a custom us_intl layout (try running $ setxkbmap -layout us -variant intl
The Russian keymap works properly if the Alt+Shift keys can be pressed together to modify a key (i.e., Alt+Shift don't have sideeffects like switching the keyboard layout on the OS side).
To use the Czech and IPA layouts, either use my xkb_symbols_us file and set the layout variant to "intl", or adjust the mappings to your us_keyboard layout. Note, that the IPA keymap requires that you have at least three levels on your keyboard: unshifted, Shift, Alt-Gr (right alt) which produce different symbols in normal mode
If you use setxkbmap, you can make it work like this:
Download the file xkb_symbols_us, e.g. to ~/Downloads and then
$ cp /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us.bak
$ cp ~/Downloads/xkb_symbols_us /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us
se your preferred way of installing plugins, e.g. with Plug add this line to your vimrc:
Plug 'jakubbortlik/vim-keymaps.git'
See :h keymaps
for more info.