A mongoose plugin that adds createdAt and updatedAt fields to subscribed models in order to avoid redundancy.
Now supporting query-based updates like update() or findOneAndUpdate().
$> npm install mongoose-createdat-updatedat --save
var plugin = require('mongoose-createdat-updatedat');
var User = new Schema({ ... });
Optionally, you can pass an options object to set the name of the fields, or to disable certain fields.
Another example:
var plugin = require('mongoose-createdat-updatedat');
var User = new Schema({ ... });
var options = {
createdAt: 'created_at',
updatedAt: null
User.plugin(plugin, options);
Here, the createdAt field will be named created_at
, and the updatedAt field will be disabled.
Type: String
Default: createdAt
Name of the createdAt field. Set to null to disable the field
Type: String
Default: updatedAt
Name of the updatedAt field. Set to null to disable the field
$> npm test
CreatedAt and UpdatedAt support
✓ should has "James" as firstname
✓ should save user without error (237ms)
✓ should createdAt and updatedAt have equal values
✓ should update user lastname to "Heng" without error
✓ updatedAt should be more recent than createdAt