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Unity implementation of the space colonization algorithm to generate organic branching structures.

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Interface guide

Screenshot of Unity with the custom space colonization interface shown.

Algorithm parameters

  1. Attraction distance - branches that are within this distance (and outside the kill distance) of an attractor will grow towards that attractor.
  2. Kill distance - how close branches can grow to attraction nodes before stopping.
  3. Segment length - length of each branch segment of the generated structure. In each iteration of the simulation, one segment is added to the tips of each branch that is not within a kill distance of an attractor.

Branch rendering

  1. Material - reference to a material object that is applied to each individual branch segment.
  2. Enable vein thickening - progressively increase the radius of each branch segment starting from the tip (smallest) to the root node (largest).
    • If enabled ...
      • Minimum radius - smallest thickness that a branch can get.
      • Maximum radius - largest thickness that a branch can get.
      • Radius increment - rate at which the radius changes across each branch segment from tip to root.
    • If disabled ...
      • Radius - constant radius for all branch segments.

Attractor generation

  1. Attractor placement - dropdown with the following options:
    • SPHERE
      • Radius - radius of sphere.
      • Attractor count - number of attractors to scatter.
    • GRID - evenly spaced attractors on a grid.
      • Dimensions - length, width, height of grid.
      • Resolution - number of attractors per axis.
      • Jitter - amount of random displacement per attractor to make them less uniform.
    • MESH - scatter attractors on the surface or inside of a custom mesh.
      • Target mesh - reference to the mesh you want to use.
      • Raycasting attempts - number of times to try casting a random ray. Unity's collision detection is not perfect, so the actual number of attractors that are generated will be much less than this number.
      • Raycasting direction - direction to fire random rays for attractor placement.
        • INWARDS - casts random rays from outside the mesh towards the origin. Scatters points on the surface.
        • OUTWARDS - casts random rays from the origin to the outside. Scatters points on inner surface.
        • DOME - casts random rays in a hemisphere around the mesh.
  2. Attractor gizmo radius - size of the editor gizmos that indicate the position of each attractor.
  3. Actions
    • Generate attractors - attempt to place attractors using the parameters chosen above. This may take a while depending on the parameters chosen and the complexity of the mesh.
    • Clear - remove all attractors from the scene, like a reset.

Root node(s)

  1. Type of root node(s) - dropdown with the following options:
    • INPUT
      • Root node object - reference to the point object you want to use as a root node.
    • MESH
      • Target mesh - reference to the mesh you want to randomly place root nodes on.
      • Number of root nodes - how many randomly-placed root nodes you want.


  1. Use bounds - enable or disable restriction of branch growth to a chosen bounding volume.
    • If enabled ...
      • Bounding mesh - reference to a mesh object you want to use to constrain growth inside of.


  1. Use obstacles - enable or disabled the use of obstacle objects that branch growth cannot occur in.
    • If enabled ...
      • Size - how many obstacles you want to use.
      • Element [n] - reference to a mesh object that the branch growth must avoid.

Run controls

  1. Iterations to run - number of times to run the simulation. Start small until you know what you're doing!
  2. Run - press to run the simulation for the number of times chosen above.
  3. Reset - press to remove any previously-generated branches so growth can start over.


  1. Filename - name of the file you want to export. Be sure to provide a file extension.
  2. Export - press to export the generated branches on the screen to a file with the name provided above.


Unity implementation of the space colonization algorithm to generate organic branching structures.





