A little Python script I wrote to find out if I was getting the short end of the a business deal a buddy had for me.
He has a side business reselling items on Ebay, and said I should start buying stuff from thrift stores and bringing it to him to list.
He charges a flat rate of 30 percent of the final sale price. I figured this was a little high, considering that it's the same amount of work to list a 4 dollar item as it is a 4898234 dollar item.
Considering the work that gets done on his side, which is listing, responding to emails, and shipping, there should be a tiered system of commission, or a commission based on the profit margin, instead of charging a flat 30 percent of the total sale price.
In short, I used this to figure out whether I was being screwed over, which I was.
This script would be better if I could use it as a Django app instead of CLI, so that will possibly be my next move (that and refactoring).