Ativa Investimentos app with Angular 7 + Angular CLI + Angular Material + Firebase
Verify that you are running at least node 8.9.x and npm 5.x.x by running node -v and npm -v in a terminal/console window. Older versions produce errors, but newer versions are fine.
- Go to project folder and install dependencies.
npm i
- Launch development server:
npm start
You don't need to build the example library because it's published in npm and added as dependency of the project.
- CRUD: create, update and remove heroes with Firebase!
- Custom loading page
- Modal and toasts (snakbar)!
- Internationalization with ng-translate and ngx-translate-extract. Also use cache busting for translation files with webpack translate loader
- Automatic translate script with Google Translate oO
- Lazy loading modules
- Service Workers
- Dynamic Imports
- Storage module (ngx-store)
- More logical structure directory (from here)
- Basic example library
- Scroll restoration and anchor examples
- Responsive layout (flex layout module)
- SASS (most common used functions and mixins) and BEM styles
- Animations!
- Angular Pipes
- Interceptors and Events (Progress bar active, if a request is pending)
- Scroll to first invalid input in forms.
- Autocomplete enabled in forms
- Modernizr (browser features detection)
- Browser filter (Bowser) for IE ^^
- Sentry! (logs any error in the app)
- Google Tag Manager
- Unit tests with Jasmine and Karma including code coverage
- End-to-end tests with Protractor
- ES6 Promises and Observables
- Following the best practices!
Tasks | Description |
npm i | Install dependencies |
npm start | Start the app in development mode |
npm run test | Run unit tests with karma and jasmine |
npm run e2e | Run end to end tests with protractor |
npm run build | Build the app for production |
npm run build:library | Build the library |
npm run lint | Run the linter (tslint) |
npm run ci | Execute linter and tests |
npm run extract | Generate all json files with the translations in assets folder |
npm run translate | Translate all keys remaining using Google Translate and using English language as the origin |
npm run deploy | Build the app and deploy it to firebase hosting |
npm run bundle-report | Build and run webpack-bundle-analyzer over stats json |
npm run release | Create a new release using standard-version |
npm run docker | Build the docker image and run the container |
npm run update | Update the project dependencies with ng update |
This repo is using Firebase. We use Cloud Firestore and Cloud Storage to handle CRUD operations over the heroes and to store their images.
You can build the image and run the container with Docker. The configuration is in the nginx folder if you want to change it.
docker build -t angularexampleapp .
docker run -d -p 4200:80 angularexampleapp
We use Travis CI to run this tasks in order:
- Linter
- Tests
- Build for production
Jeferson Almeida