This project under @msstate-dasi provides a subgraph isomorphism Java plugin for Neo4j database. Given a query graph and a target graph, it calculates all possible subgraphs of the target graph isomorphic to the query graph. Both the query graph and target graph are stored in the same Neo4j database. Currently it utilized the Ullmann's algorithm and works only with undirected graphs (ignore directions in a directional graph).
mvn compile
mvn clean package
Copy the JAR file under target\
to your Neo4j plugin folder and restart the Neo4j server.
This plugin is supposed to be used in the Cypher query environment, either in the Web browser or in the commandline console.
call SubgraphIso("QueryLabel","TargetLabel")
QueryLabel: the Neo4j database label of the query graph
TargetLabel: the Neo4j database label of the target graph
All matching subgraph nodes