Script to find the distortion parameters of a Raspberry Pi Camera. Tested with the Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 WIDE.
Adapted from Using ChArUco boards in OpenCV.
You need a Charuco Board.
Grab a bunch of images at high resolution on the Raspberry Pi Camera covering all the field of view.
This command will result in about 60 images:
rpicam-still --timeout 120000 --timelapse 2000 -o image%04d.jpg
and move it to a fast computer (Python script tested on MacOS Sequoia):
python ./
If the script fails at some image number, find the image file name for that number (marked with # prefix) and start over.
After a successful execution it will end up with a YAML file similar to this calibration_chessboard.yaml (obtained from a Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 WIDE, Infrared) and at the end it will open two windows to show the comparison between original and undistorted images.