C++ Raspberry Pi Pico template project for wireless communication with a small display to show received messages.
- Raspberry Pi Pico documentation
- SSD1306 128x32 OLED display documentation
- nRF24L01+ wireless module documentation
- Boot to programming mode for code upload (optional with
or resetting withBOOTSEL
pressed, see Annoyances #2) - Set dormant power mode
- Wake from dormant power mode when wireless module sets
- Read message from wireless module
- Respond to
message (if sent) with!PONG
- Show received message on OLED display
- Go to #2 (loop)
Picoprobe GP5 / UART1 RX
connection is only required if enable_debug_logging = true
Required repositories:
RF24 library is added as a submodule repo & documentation
Files that might require path tweaks:
- Powering from a USB power bank turns off power after a few seconds (current draw too low?). USB charger works fine.
- Solution: Add a LiPo SHIM for Pico with a LiPo Battery Pack
- Picoprobe can't wake Pico from dormant power mode (reset required for code upload)
- Debugging in dormant power mode keeps breaking at main