A sample market place implemented in razor pages.
- Login/Logout
- Email Confirmation
- Add Product to Cart
- Checkout
- Admin Panel to Edit Products
If you have not installed entity framework core tools yet, consult the official documentation to install and config the path correctly.
Install Entity Framework Core tools
dotnet restore
dotnet user-secrets init
dotnet user-secrets set "EmailSettings:Email" "your-email@gmail.com"
dotnet user-secrets set "EmailSettings:DisplayName" "Your Display Name"
dotnet user-secrets set "EmailSettings:Password" "your-app-password"
dotnet user-secrets set "EmailSettings:Host" "smtp.gmail.com"
dotnet user-secrets set "EmailSettings:Port" "587"
Gmail Example
- Create app password
- Create a new app specific password
- Use the password you created for your app as
when configuringEmailSettings:Password
dotnet ef database update
dotnet watch