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JONG KIM edited this page Feb 7, 2022 · 76 revisions

AUS Cross-Platform Build and Test

To summarize the current status of on-going AUS build and test runs for HPC-stack and UFS-SRW app across platforms.

Test Status

Build and test runs are classified into two approaches based on container and non-container.

Apps Orion Cheyenne AWS GC Azure Ubuntu MacOS Redline cluster
hpc-stack intel, gnu-9.3 intel, gnu-9.3 gnu-9.3 gnu-9.3   gnu-9.3    
SRW intel intel gnu-9.3   gnu-9.3      
Apps Orion Cheyenne AWS GC Azure Ubuntu MacOS Redline cluster
SRW gnu-9.3 gnu-9.3 gnu-9.3 gnu-9.3   gnu-9.3    


  • Several containers currently available on AUS team (built on ubuntu20.04 container):


Current documents and instructions

Action items

  • Daily updates:

    01-26-2022: prepared ubuntu20.04-epic container and followed up to add libtiff-dev package in it

    01-27-2022: completed SRW container and non-container build test on Cheyenne, progress on hpc-stack build within ubuntu20.04 container

    01-31-2022: fms/2020.04.03, cmake/3.20 (mapl needs cmake/3.21), fortran dialect issue in fv3 diag files

    02-01-2022: ip2 needs cmake3.20 but mapl needs cmake3.21

    02-04-2022: hpc-stack builds ok on orion/cheyenne with intel-2021-2, needs to follow up hpc-stack issue#378, needs to follow up with Jeff's request for s2s fully coupled ufs build option,cheyenne role accounts

  • hpc-stack build steps - option I (based on a ubuntu linux container, this is an example for the use in cloud with userid Jong.Kim):

    singularity pull ubuntu20.04-gnu9.3.sif docker://noaaepic/ubuntu20.04-gnu9.3
    singularity build --sandbox ubuntu20.04-gnu9.3 ubuntu20.04-gnu9.3.sif
    cd to ubuntu20.04-gnu9.3 and mkdir contrib to mount /contrib to the container
    cd ..
    git clone -b feature/ubuntu20.04
    singularity shell -e --writable --bind /contrib:/contrib ubuntu20.04-gnu9.3
    cd to hpc-stack
    ./ -p /contrib/Jong.Kim/hpc-stack/hpc-modules -c config/
    Keyboard inputs: yes/yes/yes
    sed -i "10 a source /usr/share/lmod/6.6/init/bash" ./
    sed -i "10 a export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH" ./
    sed -i "10 a export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib64:/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ./
    ./ -p /contrib/Jong.Kim/hpc-stack/hpc-modules -c config/ -y stack/stack_noaa.yaml -m
    make sure cmake3.21 (or higher version) available to install mapl
    module use /contrib/Jong.Kim/hpc-stack/hpc-modules/modulefiles/stack
    module load hpc hpc-gnu hpc-openmpi
    module avail
    module load netcdf hdf5 bacio sfcio sigio nemsio w3emc esmf fms crtm g2 png zlib g2tmpl ip sp w3nco cmake gfsio wgrib2 upp
    ./ -p /contrib/Jong.Kim/hpc-stack/hpc-modules -c config/ -y stack/stack_mapl.yaml -m
  • UFS-SRW model build and forecast setup on HPCs (container approach on ubuntu laptop):

    singularity pull ubuntu20.04-hpc-stack-0.1.sif docker://noaaepic/ubuntu20.04-hpc-stack:0.1
    singularity build --sandbox ubuntu20.04-hpc-stack-0.1 ubuntu20.04-hpc-stack-0.1.sif
    mkdir home inside sandbox
    singularity shell -e --writable --bind /home:/home ubuntu20.04-hpc-stack
    Clone the develop branch of the UFS-SRW weather application repository:
    git clone
    cd ufs-srweather-app
    Check out submodules:
    Set build environments and modules:
    ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
    source /usr/share/lmod/6.6/init/profile
    module use /opt/hpc-modules/modulefiles/stack
    module load hpc hpc-gnu hpc-openmpi hpc-python
    module load netcdf hdf5 bacio sfcio sigio nemsio w3emc esmf fms crtm g2 png zlib g2tmpl ip sp w3nco cmake gfsio wgrib2 upp
    make build
    cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..
    make -j 4
  • UFS-SRW model build and forecast setup on HPCs: non-container approach:

    Clone the develop branch of the UFS-SRW weather application repository:
    git clone -b develop
    cd ufs-srweather-app
    Check out submodules:
    Load build environments and modules:
    source env/build_hera_intel.env
    Build the system:
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..
    make -j 8 >& build.out &
    Once all build steps are complete,a directory structure will be created as shown below in a simplified screen capture. Next steps are to set up and launch the UFS-SRW forecast experiment:
    cd ../regional_workflow/ush; cp (need to edit according to user’s experiment configuration:
    source ../../env/wflow_hera.env
    Set up the experiment directory:
    Once the experiment sets up, the procedures to run the forecast is described in:

Other technical tips

Need to update but a quick collection of technical tips! (just start working on a feature branch and commit back the change to the branch. Some useful git commands will follow for additional jobs: forking, create new branch, etc.):

git clone -b feature/srw-docker-v1.0.1
cd path to file to work modify file

check status and branch name again

git status

git branch

commit the change to the feature branch

git add -A

git commit -m"description of change"

git push origin feature/srw-docker-v1.0.1

export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/contrib/Jong.Kim/singularity

export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=/contrib/Jong.Kim/singularity/tmp

singularity pull ubuntu20.04-epic-srwapp.sif docker://noaaepic/ubuntu20.04-epic-srwapp

singularity build --sandbox ubuntu20.04-epic-srwapp ubuntu20.04-epic-srwapp.sif

sphinx usage:

`link 1`_.

`link 2`_.

git clone -b gspedits gspedits

git clone

cd ufs-srweather-app

git remote -v

git remote rename origin upstream

git remote -v

git remote add origin

git remote -v

git remote update

git remote -v

git checkout -b gspedits

git checkout gspedits

git branch

git add -A

git commit -m"add nice and short comments"

git push origin gspedits