Sparkify, a stream music startup, wants to move user data and song data into the cloud. The technology platform for this reporting solution will be Amazon Web Services (AWS). There are two sets of data available in an AWS S3 file storage: song files and song-play event records.
The objective of this solutions is to build a song-play reporting data warehouse using ETL processes to read files from S3, populate staging tables and then populate fact and dimension tables.
To support the anticipated future scale of this reporting solution the AWS RedShift clustered database technology has been selected.
The project repository is
Perform git clone
of the repository into a working folder.
The initial analysis for this project was performed using a local PostgreSQL database and the files
beginning with pg_
are the result of that analysis. To use the PostgreSQL files the database must
be configured with a database name, user and password as they exist in the pg_dwh.cfg
The final solution of this project was executed on an AWS EC2 instance and in a Redshift cluster.
The files for AWS EC2/Redshift are prefixed with rs_
For reference both the PostgreSQL prototype and the AWS Redshift solution notebooks are included. Each notebook has data quality checks and example queries. Exports from each notebook are provided below.
Redshift solution example queries are in
PostgreSQL prototype example queries are in
A single song record and a single song-play event record are included here for reference. Note that in the S3 bucket there is one song per S3 object and multiple song-play events per S3 object.
An example song file is shown below. The example is from file workspace/song_data/A/A/A/TRAAAAK128F9318786.json
There is one JSON object per song file.
"artist_id": "AR73AIO1187B9AD57B",
"artist_latitude": 37.77916,
"artist_location": "San Francisco, CA",
"artist_longitude": -122.42005,
"artist_name": "Western Addiction",
"duration": 118.07302,
"num_songs": 1,
"song_id": "SOQPWCR12A6D4FB2A3",
"title": "A Poor Recipe For Civic Cohesion",
"year": 2005
An example song-play event record is shown below. The example is from file workspace/log_data/2018/11/2018-11-01-events.json
There are multiple song-play events per file, so the file will be parsed into a pandas data frame.
"artist": "Infected Mushroom",
"auth": "Logged In",
"firstName": "Kaylee",
"gender": "F",
"itemInSession": 6,
"lastName": "Summers",
"length": 440.2673,
"level": "free",
"location": "Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, AZ",
"method": "PUT",
"page": "NextSong",
"registration": 1540344794796.0,
"sessionId": 139,
"song": "Becoming Insane",
"status": 200,
"ts": 1541107053796,
"userAgent": "\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36\"",
"userId": "8"
The design of this ETL process is illustrated in the diagram shown below.
+------------+ +------------+ +------------+
| | | | | |
| | | EC2 VM | | RedShift |
| S3 Buckets +---->+ for ETL +---->+ Database |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
+------------+ +------------+ +------------+
The first step of the ETL pipeline copies and transformed song records and song-play event
records from S3 bucket objects into staging tables in AWS Redshift. After song records are
read, transformed and populated into an s_song
staging table they will persist in the Redshift
database for the lifetime of the Sparkify reporting database. The expectation is that there
will be frequent small updates to the song records and the bulk of the load for song will
occur once. This is the same expectation for the song-play events - frequent small updates.
Based on these expectations the design is built around an ETL server that is capable of streaming song records and song-play event records into the staging tables.
NOTE: What is missing from the staging tables is a flag to indicate that the staged record has already
been processed into either the dimension or fact tables. For long-term operation of the ETL server
this flag needs to be added to the s_*
tables and existing records flagged as true
As part of the data investigation page of this project a prototype data warehouse was built using PostgreSQL. The final project was executed in AWS Redshift and only the details for Redshift are included here.
The naming convention for the reporting tables are:
prefix for dimension tablesf_
prefix for fact tabless_
prefix for staging tables
The database design exists of the following tables:
: artist dimension tabled_song
: song dimension tabled_time
time dimension tabled_user
: Sparkify user dimension tablef_songplay
: Song-play fact tables_song
: Song staging tables_songplay_event
: Song-play event staging table
For AWS Redshift, the dimension tables use the all
distribution method across slices. This is
an initial design decision and it may be determined that the d_time
dimension table needs to be
distributed by the start_time
key as it grows. The initial data management plan is to retain the
staging tables, so the staged records may be replayed into dimension and fact tables if the database
schema changes.
See the following documentation for a discussion on Redshift inserts.
One of the architectural differences between Redshift and PostgreSQL is how serial columns are incremented. Find a discussion of this in the following documentation.
Rather than using serial/incremented numbers as song-play event identifiers a hashing mechanism is used.
See line 82 of
for the implementation.
After cloning the git repository use the following section to set up the solution.
For the Redshift solution perform the git clone
and general set up steps on an EC2 instance in the same
VPC security group as the Redshift cluster. See the AWS EC2 Instance
instructions below.
For this solution Visual Studio Code - Insiders
was used to take advantage of the Remote Development
extension. When the Remote Development
extension is available for stable Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code
should be preferred.
Several Visual Studio Code
extensions were configured for this solution.
- Remote Development
- Anaconda Extension Pack
- Bookmarks
The Anaconda package manager is used in this solution.
Follow the installation instruction at
After the conda
command is available the shell run the following.
conda create --name dend_project_03 python=3.7
conda activate dend_project_03
conda install jupyterlab
conda install psycopg2
conda install pandas
conda install git
pip install ipython-sql
Also, set the Jupyter notebook password.
jupyter notebook password
Use the bin/
script to start and verify the Jupyter environment functions.
Name and gender data was not provided as part of the S3 data. To complete the solution as described gender information from babynames has been included in this project.
To set up the names perform the following:
mkdir -p data/names
unzip -d data/names
NOTE: After the staging table are populated the following queries may be used to examine the breakdown of genders in the song-play events.
select gender, count(gender) from s_songplay_event group by gender;
select count(gender) as total from s_songplay_event;
Amazon Web Services is the primary technology platform for this solution. Instructions for set up and execution of the PostgreSQL prototype are included at the end of this document.
Follow the normal Redshift cluster creation documentation available on AWS with the addition of using
an Elastic IP
for the publicly exposed IP address. This change helps with diagnosing
configuration problems. Also, ensure that port 5439 is open on the VPC Security Group that is assigned
to the cluster. With this configuration the Redshift cluster may accessed using a normal desktop
database client (like DbVisualizer).
Create an EC2 VM instance to be the ETL server for this solution. Run the following commands to install the base packages required for this solution.
sudo yum -y install git postgresql
Exit shell and then ssh
into the EC2 instance to get clean environment. Ensure that the python version is 3.7.x.
python --version
Change the contents of the rs_dwh.cfg
file to match the IP address of the cluster leader node. Also, change
the database name, username and password to match the configuration of the Redshift cluster.
Use the following command as a template to test the connection from the EC2 VM to the Redshift cluster.
psql --host= --port=5439 --user=sparkify --dbname=sparkify
The S3 buckets containing song and song-play event records is accessible without authentication. See the
client configuration on line 62 of
First, ensure the anaconda environment is dend_project_03
To execute the ETL process, run the following commands:
After the ETL script executes the dimension and fact tables will be populated.
In order to run and connect to a Jupyter notebook running on the EC2 VM a port must be opened (which is not secure without SSL) or a port must be forwarded from the local box.
For this solution, Visual Studio Code - Insider
as used to forward port 8888 to the EC2 VM.
The following instructions are for the PostgreSQL prototype set up.
The local PostgreSQL prototype set up requires Docker. Ensure that Docker CE is running and then run the following:
The local PostgreSQL prototype uses local data files. Install the AWS command line interface (cli) tool for the local operating system.
On a Mac OS X/macOS box with homebrew installed do the following:
brew install awscli
The URL for the S3 bucket data is:
Run the following command to download the S3 bucket data.
aws s3 sync s3://udacity-dend/song_data ./data/song_data --no-sign-request
aws s3 sync s3://udacity-dend/log_data ./data/log_data --no-sign-request
aws s3 sync s3://udacity-dend/log_json_path.json ./data/log_json_path.json --no-sign-request
zip -r workspace
mv workspace
Mac OS X/macOS packages are required for exporting a notebook as PDF.
brew cask install mactex
Then add export PATH="$PATH:/Library/TeX/texbin"
to ~/.bash_profile
and open a new shell.