This is collection of wrapper classes which handle working with EZO Devices over I2C in NodeJS.
- pH
- Peristaltic Pump
- EC
- DO
Any device that responds properly to the info command, but it not in the supported list, will be instantiated as a generic EZO device
These were the only devices I had on hand to test with.
Pull Requests to support other devices are welcome!
This requires the PromisifiedBus class from i2c-bus
npm install i2c-bus
npm install atlas-scientific-i2c
const as_dev=require('atlas-scientific-i2c');
const i2c = require('i2c-bus');
async function Test(){
//open the i2c bus
const bus = await i2c.openPromisified(1);
//find all EZO devices
const devs=await as_dev.FindAllDevices(bus);
//print out all detected devices
//Loop through the list, using 'instanceof' to find the pH chip, and pull a reading from it.
devs.forEach(async item=>{
if(item instanceof as_dev.pH){
const r = await item.GetReading();
console.log('pH reading:'+r);
//for everything else, print out the device's class