This repository contains source code for my personal website.
The website is hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) with near zero costs by utilizing serverless backend functions and static website hosting for user interface (UI).
The main technical components include:
Backend - Python + various libraries + functions-framework-python
UI - Node.js + Vue + Vuetify
The website and this repository contains several demo projects, which are briefly described in the following.
Time series forecasting tool that creates forecasts based on user's own dataset, focus being on simplicity and fast performance
Utilizes Nixtla's AutoArima from statsforecast library
Tool that calculates the similarity of two documents based on Finnish version of Google's BERT natural language model
Provides serverless model inference by utilizing the transformers library
Web app that lists food options in a meaningful manner, allowing user to interact and share the list with others
Main logic written in Vue.js, object storage is used for saved lists
Tool that fetches content from popular Finnish websites with spiders, and allows user to download scraped items into Excel or JSON
Provides a serverless spider through finscraper - a library that I have developed
Tool that optimizes the flows of a network which the user can create in the web browser
Utilizes vue-konva for creating the network, and Google OR-Tools for solving the optimization problem
. ├── .vscode/tasks.json: Development & deployment commands ├── functions/: Backend functions ├── scripts/: Helper scripts ├── ui/: UI components
Install - Run scripts/
Development & Deployment - See .vscode/tasks.json
Install - Run
npm install
under ui -
Development & Deployment - See .vscode/tasks.json / ui/package.json and adjust them for your setup
Jesse Myrberg (