Keep the boxes off the platform.
GitHub GameOff 2021 entry.
Mouse, touch or keyboard (arrow keys or WASD).
Record/Stop recording gameplay: Shift + R
Hide recorded gameplay video: Shift + X
✅ Advanced physics simulation (matter.js)
✅ Procedural, physics based audio
✅ Keyboard and mouse controls
✅ Touch controls
✅ Ladybug to English
✅ In-game video capture
✅ Power ups
⏳ Installable PWA
⏳ Gamepad controls
⏳ Haptics
⏳ i18n
Game engine runtime courtesy of W3C ;)
Coded mostly in-browser at Glitch
Physics simulation implemented using matter.js
Procedural audio based on original work by Red Blob Games
Graphics designs tweaked online at Pixlr
Additional SFX generated online at SFMaker
Graphics assets are from: