This is a small Flask server that shows your most listened to tracks / artists in a time scale of either 4 weeks, 6 months or all time. You can also save your current top list to your Spotify
To get this working you need to create a configuration file
with the following structure:
# CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET can be found in the Spotify Developer Dashboard
CLIENT_ID = "<your_client_id>"
CLIENT_SECRET = "<your_client_secret>"
# REDIRECT_URL needs also to be registered in the Spotify Developer Dashboard
# name for the cookie where the access token is stored
ACCESS_TOKEN_COOKIE = "<your_cookie>"
PORT = 5000
After installing the required dependencies just run flask run
and enjoy your top list!
The refresh token needs to have the following scopes: playlist-modify-private playlist-modify-public user-top-read ugc-image-upload
Here are some example cover images