This repository contains several separate arduino format libraries, each one adding
to the library Keypad external expansion port communication, either via an I2C (or Wire( )
port, or with an SPI port (for MCP23S17) on the arduino microprocessor.
The separate libraries each handle the I/O needed by Keypad for different expansion port chips:
- PCF8574, PCF8574A and PCF8575 -
- PCA9554, PCA9555, PCA9534, PCA9535, PCA9539, PCA6408, PCA6416 -
- MCP23016 -
- MCP23008 -
- MCP23017 -
- PCF8574, PCF8575 using the TinyWire lib on atTiny processors -
- MCP23S17 uses SPI port
The reason for separate libraries for each sort of expansion port IC is that their register sets, while implementing similar I/O functions, are generally not compatible among the devices, or/and because the I/O needed for Keypad is a small subset of the port chip capabilities, a system will likely only contain one type of port IC so a simple program library for that specific device will have a smaller memory footprint than would a single larger program that could handle all devices.
To use the libraries, download the .zip file, unzip to a temporary location, and then move the library desired into your libraries folder. The library manager does not work on the entire repository.
A recent update to the libraries permits the optional specifation of an I2C port
as an alternative or in addition to Wire
on those arduino that have more than
one I2C bus. See the example Hello_I2Cboth
in Keypad_I2C
for using two
expansion port chips on MKR ZERO. See also the arduino tutorial Adding more Serial
Interfaces to SAMD microcontrollers (SERCOM)
Similarly, the library Keypad_MCS17
allows specification of an alternate SPI port.
The Keypad
library is found on github.
An interesting use of Keypad's
features enables decoding of quadrature encoders--see
the examples KeypadEnc
, and KeypadEnc_I2C
in the Keypad_I2C
The folder scadKeypadLabel
has a simple scad script for creating keypad overlays.