A multi-Guild usable Discord bot built with discord.js
About • Features • Installation • Setting Up • License • Credits • Commands
The orange [ˈɔrɪndʒ] is a round, sweet fruit with a thick orange skin and an orange core, which is divided into many parts.
Orange is an open source, customizable Discord bot that is constantly growing. The Bot comes packaged with a variety of commands. The Bot's codebase also serves as a base framework so everyone can easily create a Discord Bot of all kinds and needs. You can invite Orange to your Discord server using this link! Also, you can join my Server Funf for questions, suggestions, assistance and much more.
If you like this repository, feel free to leave a star ⭐ to help promote Orange!
You can find a detailed information sheet with all commands here.
commands across 4
different categories!
commands likememe
commands likeclear
and much moremusic
commands likeplay
and much moreplaylist
commands likecreate
and much more!
You can add Orange to your server with this link! Alternatively, you can clone this repository and host the bot yourself.
git clone https://github.com/jonaskroedel/orangedb
After cloning, run these commands
npm install
npm install discord.js
npm install dotenv --save
npm install --save mysql2
npm install got@11.8.3
npm install lyrics-finder
npm install canvas
npm install menudocs/erela.js#build
to get all the dependencies and packages. You need Node.js and MySQL installed. I highly recommend to install nodemon as it makes testing much easier.
You have to create a .env
file in your root directory to run the bot (you can use the example file provided as a base). Your file should look something like this:
DB_HOST=YOUR_HOST_ADRESS //eg. localhost
DB_NAME=orangedb //if you dont know, then do not change that!
PREFIX=o! //default prefix for orange
Visit the Discord developer portal to create an app and use the client token you are given for the token
option. ownerId
is your own Discord snowflake.
After that, you have enable Privileged Intents
on your Discord developer portal. You can find these intents under the "Bot" section, and there are two ticks you have to switch on. For more information on Gateway Intents, check out this link.
OrangeDB is a continous state of development. New features/updates can come at any time. Some pending ideas are:
Music- Ticket-System
- Automod
- Autoroles
- Stream alerts
Released under the GNU GPL v3 license.