Detects faces in videos, creates faces ROIs per frame, corrects outliers, summarizes data over movie in variables and heat maps
• Extract frames from mp4s & saves as png
• Get face position in each frame using computer vision toolbox Cascade Object Detector
o box_pos = [top left x, top left y, width, height]
o No face detected, box_pos = NaNs
• Save as (PersonName).mat
• loads in matrices with box pos from(PersonName).mat
• id frames with small face box sizes size or NaN and make pos = nearby box positions
• change size for all boxes to the mean size for video
• visualize where the box is on the face to check
o coords need to be multiplied by 1.5 to make them compatible to the monitor (which is where the ET coordinates are going to come from)
o The image is also sized up here to simulate the monitor
• Save as (PersonName)_adj.mat
• ascii ET data --> list of fixations with x, y, duration, start, end time
• save as Movie_Fixes.mat
• loads in Movie_Fixes.mat & (VideoName).mat
• for each fix, for each frame: is it on the face or not? is it up or lower?
o upper = top 60% of box
o lower = bottom 40%
• average all frames during fix to get percent time that fix was on the face
• weight to get where they were looking for entire movie, based on length of each fix
• save as: MovieFixes_ROI_Tab.mat
Shows all fixations per movie stimulus for each subject.
Finds all frames that were shown during a fixation time, adjusts their position relative to average frame, centers the data and visualizes individual transfomed fixations per movie.
Summarizes transformed/normalized viewing behavior across movies per run/subject and plots fixations and heat maps.