The purpose of this analysis was to demonstrate that starting a bike-sharing program is a profitable buisness move.
This chart shows that the vast majority of users ride for less than one hour. The most common trip duration is about 5 mins.
This chart is a gender breakdown of the previous chart. Male riders are the majority. Both male and female riders follow the same ride length pattern. Interestingly riders who didnt input their gender went on longer rides on average.
These are the number of trips by day. Unsurprisingly weekday rides are heavily skewed around the standard 9-5 workday. Weekend rides increase until around noon then taper off.
This is a gender breakdown of ridership by day. Both male and female riders follow the same general trends as before.
This is a gender breakdown of ridership by day and user type. The large majority of riders are subscribers who use the bikes during the weekdays mostly. Nonsubsribed users tend to use the bikes on the weekends.
This is a heatmap and sizemap of the most common starting locations. Blue locations / larger locations have more riders.
Same chart as before but now for ending locations. There is very little change between starting and ending concentration. On Manhattan most riders ride on the west side of the island and avaoid the east side.
Our analysis shows that most riders use the bikes are subscribers, male, and use the bikes to commute from 9-5 jobs. Most female riders are also subscribed and use the bikes for 9-5 commutes. Single-time riders tend to ride on the weekends more.
- A breakdown of the distance traveled by each user by gender.
- A map with the top routes of the starting and ending locations.