This repository contains the topics that were taught in the coursera course Big Data: procesamiento y análisis. This course focus on machine learning methods applied with Spark, moreover it implement Hadoop as the tool to create, store and manage database. The course is formed by 4 modules. Before starting, let's see the setup to reproduce each jupyter script in this project.
The use has been made of a virtual machine of cloudera service. This machine can be reached here(1) or here(2). Then once you have installed the environment on VirtualBox, it is needed to install conda and Spark tools. Run this on the Cloudera shell:
This is going to install the conda package managment, with Spark by defaulf. So to start a jupyter notebook, run:
The require dataset is located in the folder dataset, so just perform a suitable unzip for each file, i.e.:
tar -xzf On_Time_On_Time_Performance_2016_12.tar.gz
To set Databrick, SparkContext and SQLContext for jupyter notebooks, run this in the path /home/cloudera/:
conda install seaborn
pyspark --jars /home/cloudera/spark-csv_2.10-1.5.0.jar,/home/cloudera/commons-csv-1.4.jar
The last line lunchs the jupyter noteboook.
Once you have unzip the datasets, these have to be putted into Hadoop. For that run:
hdfs dfs -put (...)/On_Time_On_Time_Performance_2016_12.csv /user/cloudera/
hdfs dfs -put (...)/On_Time_On_Time_Performance_2017_8.csv /user/cloudera/
The structure of the course is over four week. In the first week the course focus on the introduction to handle Spark from Jupyter Notebooks, here we use libraries and modules as SQLContext and SparkContext to reach the database store in hadoop services and performe queries on this database. The following modules o weeks are related to machine learning algorithms applied with Spark. Here we find how to implement simple models as Linear and Logistics Regression, or implemnent more complex models as Regression and Decision Trees and Neural Networks.
Finally, the last Assignment analyzes the delay of airplanes on Augost 2017.