released this
17 Jun 22:09
Releases/1.0.x (#73)
* WiP: MVP for DatePicker
* Update django-formset.ts
* WiP on Django Date Picker
* add polyfill so that django-formset works on Safari
* WiP on Django Date Picker
* full working Date Picker
* calendar with home
* Refactor towards class based Calendar
* Use calendar icon with todays date for "Today"
* adopt design
* added full working DateTimePicker with intervals
* improve UI of DateTimePicker
* fix isort error
* add form for testing
* wait a bit longer
* work in progress on DateTimePicker
* use utc from datetime module
* Wrap all control elements into a <button>
* Add placeholders to widgets
* PoC on navigable hourly view
* add missing semicolons
* working on keypress navigation
* skeleton for e2e-tests on datepicker
* rm TODO file
* simplify DateTimePicker
* improve docs
* optimize navigation
* pilfer styles from focused input field
* full working input field for localized dates
* fix #36 Developer instructions out of date
* rename event handler for consistency
* enforce symbol as class member
* locale aware DatePicker
* upgrade to bootstrap 5.2.3
* testing datepicker and datetimepicker
* d.r.y.-ify code
* merge with master
* merge with main branch
* Starting with validated holders
* WiP on datetimepicker
* upgrade external dependencies
* add rule to esbuild to allow monolithic include
* WiP on datetimepicker
* in dialog, force save button to trigger submit event
* Refactor dynamic loading to be more DRY
* user contemporary Django templatetag
* Add a footer to all forms
* remove dead code
* WiP on issue 37
* start working on moon phases demo
* fix issue #38
* Chrome does not like char groups with single dash
* save some data, when transferring JSON encoded forms
* remove useless hook
* Revert "remove useless hook"
This reverts commit 6d31f3e898becd93314ed8ab38e1da0962117b9e.
* add options --debug and --monolith to npm run esbuild
* Add class BulkEditFormCollectionView
This new class allows to edit a FormCollection with siblings on the root level
* migration has been merged with 0001_initial
* form collections refer to their own instance, if available
* Company form with unique name
* add German translations
* Add method assign_instance and retrieve_instance to avoid unique validation errors
* Collections Company and Companies tested with updated interface
* Colection.assign_instance is not required anymore
* handle all button actions through context variable
* allow usage of Sphinx's autodoc
* fix Tailwind renderer for datepicker
* use the browser's date picker for person's birthdate
* adopt testing to Django-4.2
* render submitted payload inline
* run tests on upcoming version 1
* attempt with different node configuration
* use rollup-plugin-terser
* refactor test_e2e_upload to use locator
* try with other timing
* fix #51: Allow attribute `step="any"` in FloatField
* prevent loading styles for DateTimePicker twice
* Downgrade to Py-Playwright-1.30, since 1.31 has a bug
* test toggle classes without sleep
* fix selector in button locator
* simplify function test_button_toggle_class
* restest with alternative selectors
* use spy.assert_called
* Evaluate empty array to false, when checking for show/hide-if
* Full working moon calendar
* Starting with release 1
* trigger on releases
* Rename richtext-toggle into richtext-click
* Add to Richtext editor: blockquote, placeholder, codeblock, hardbreak
* update documentation
* add missing closing tag </span> to reset button
* move test into folder testapp/tests
* add feature align text in RichTextarea
* allow similar RTA actions to coexist in menubar
* WiP: Add CharacterCount
* fix #57: Adding Collection for Model
* add constraint unique_together to model Company
* fix #57 unique validation working for Company example
* attempt to fix #57
nested collections constructed without corresponding objects in the database, can not be validated against unique constraints while performing full_clean. This can only be done when constructing the collection by saving its forms. We therefore have to validate the collection a second time.
* fix failing unit tests
* WiP on #57: Unique constraints validate properly
* fix failing unit tests
* WiP on #57: Unique constraints validate properly
* Add to RichtextArea: text-indent, text-padding
* post perform unique checks on validated data
* fix problem on test View for Companies
* Richtext left-margin control working
* attempt to fix a button action test
* refactor code for better readability
* Django serving docs (#70)
* Handle cross-origin errors when parsing styles (#44)
* WiP: Serve documentation via Django using Furo theme
* Full working docs using Django as server
* search results are displayed properly
* WiP: autocreate views for documentation
* WiP: Add CharacterCount
* Demo site's landing page served using Sphinx docs
* Use template {% block ... %} w/o quotes
* Button intercept()-method may write into HTML element
* inside the documentation use TailwindCSS for styling
* make JSONEncoder part of formset.utils
* improve documentation
* intercept action renders request and response
* fix #57: Adding Collection for Model
* WiP on FirstLineAlign
* ButtonAction.intercept() can display content in HTML element
* WiP: documentation using django-sphinx-view
* add constraint unique_together to model Company
* attempt to namespace CSS framework
* WiP: unique validation
* Initial revision of proprietary extension textIndent
* attempt to fix #57
nested collections constructed without corresponding objects in the database, can not be validated against unique constraints while performing full_clean. This can only be done when constructing the collection by saving its forms. We therefore have to validate the collection a second time.
* fix #57: Unique constraints now validate properly
* fix failing unit tests
* WiP on #57: Unique constraints validate properly
* Add to RichtextArea: text-indent, text-padding
* post perform unique checks on validated data
* logging a conversation with Chat-GPT
* Richtext left-margin control working
* attempt to fix a button action test
* refactor code for better readability
* swap margin against padding for TextIndent and TextMargin
* fix: add feedback to wrapped input fields
* remove styles for default elements
* remove docutils.css
* use postcss-nested-import to combine Bootstrap and Tailwind
* add form_kwargs to FormViewMixin
this allows to override the Form's constructor from within the View
* urls.py.jinja2 is part of django-sphinx-view
* WiP on Django serving documentation
* also serve files from media directory
* add widget to represent <input type="datetime-local">
* add and use attribute collection_kwargs
* add attribute auto_id to collection
* in all django-formset's <any id="…"> must be uniquel
* document how to work with collections
* add model Article and Reporter
* add docs for model-form
* move Text-Indent and -Margin into subdirectory
* Full working TextColor control element
* WiP on docs served by Django
* fix docstrings
* adopt demo apps with new models
* MVP on text-color in RichTextarea
* separate models into own modules
* fix potential TypeError in DateTimePicker
* change complete documentation to interactive forms
* remove id from SVG path
* nicer SVG icons
* upgrade JavaScript dependencies
* fully working extension to colorize text
* add control element for placeholder
* Replace popperjs against floating-ui - fixes unwanted hiding problem
* also perform unique ID checks in monolithic build
* prepare docs for version 1
* fix TZ offset for submitted datetime value
* remove unused code
* make template for demo aware of withhold-feedback
* Add sup- and superscript to RichTextArea
* improve documentation
* update years in license
* more tests for nested collections
Co-authored-by: Miha Frangež <miha.frangez@gmail.com>
* Bump to version 1.0dev1
* 1. attempt to run deploy
* 2. attempt to run deploy
* 3. attempt to run deploy
* 4. attempt to run deploy
* 5. attempt to run deploy
* 6. attempt to run deploy
* 5. attempt to run deploy
* Fix: Bootstrap variables are not available in nested styles
* only allow django-formset.fly.dev as host
* replace popperjs against floating-ui
* refactor buttons with dropdown menus into own subclass
* improved documentation
* Bump to version 1.0dev2
* render colored text either class-based or using style
* refactor towards BlogModel
* remove withhold demos
* how to use FormRenderer for Fieldset
* Improve documentation for Richtext Editor
* more testst for nested collection
* add missing template
* Bump to version 1.0.dev3
* add optional attribute to limit size of uploaded file
* Replace <django-field-group> against <div role="group">
* Add example to DateInput and DateTimeInput
* Use page.route instead of browser_context.route
* E2E tests require 'localhost' to be an ALLOWED_HOST
* Fix: Simple configured RTA do not render attributes in <p>
* auto_id causes dialog form to have different locator
* Bump to version 1.0.dev4
* fix: order of selected options was lost in DualSortableSelector
* transfer docstrings to Sphinx
* Bump to version 1.0.dev5
* replace <django-error-messages> against <meta name="error-messages">
* code cleanup
* rename attribute `click` to `df-click` to prevent naming collisions
* update external Python dependencies
`route.abort()` does not work in playwright 1.31 any more
* Rename show/hide/disable-if against df-show/hide/disable
* improve documentation
* remove outdated docstrings
* improve documentation for fieldset
* fix flake8 complains
* install django-sphinx-view to prevent import errors
* conditionally use sphinx_view
* Bump to version 1.0
Co-authored-by: Miha Frangež <miha.frangez@gmail.com>