Simple java application to process a log file concurrently.
The file should have the following format:
{"id":"scsmbstgra", "state":"STARTED", "type":"APPLICATION_LOG", "host":"12345", "timestamp":1491377495212}
{"id":"scsmbstgrb", "state":"STARTED", "timestamp":1491377495213}
{"id":"scsmbstgrc", "state":"FINISHED", "timestamp":1491377495218}
{"id":"scsmbstgra", "state":"FINISHED", "type":"APPLICATION_LOG", "host":"12345", "timestamp":1491377495217}
{"id":"scsmbstgrc", "state":"STARTED", "timestamp":1491377495210}
{"id":"scsmbstgrb", "state":"FINISHED", "timestamp":1491377495216}
Every line in the file is a JSON object containing event data:
- id: the unique event identifier
- state: whether the event was started or finished (can have values "STARTED" or "FINISHED" timestamp)
- timestamp: the timestamp of the event in milliseconds
- host: hostname (optional)
- type: type of log (optional)
This log file is supposed to be created by a server which logs different events to it. Every event has 2 entries in a log:
- one entry when the event was started
- another when the event was finished.
The entries in a log file have no specific order (it can occur that a specific event is logged before the event starts)
In the example above, the event scsmbstgrb duration is 1401377495216 - 1491377495213 = 3ms The longest event is scsmbstgrc (1491377495218 - 1491377495210 = 8ms)
The application:
- Takes the input file path as input argument
- Flags any long events that take longer than 4ms with a column in the database called "alert" Write the found event details to file-based HSQLDB ( in the working folder
- Creates a new table if necessary and enter the following values:
- Event id
- Event duration
- Type and Host if applicable "alert" true is applicable
To test the application:
Build the jar file by executing: ./gradlew jar
The jar will be located in build/file-process-concurrently-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
execute the jar: java -jar build/file-process-concurrently-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar filePath [numberOfThreads]