Analyze Datasets and Train ML Models using AutoML Certificate
Build, Train and Deploy ML Pipelines using BERT
Optimize ML Models and Deploy Human-in-the-Loop Pipelines Certificate
Project 1 - Amazon Sagemaker - Register and visualize dataset
Register and visualize dataset
List and access the Women's Clothing Reviews dataset files hosted in an S3 bucket
Install and import AWS Data Wrangler
Create an AWS Glue Catalog database and list all Glue Catalog databases
Register dataset files with the AWS Glue Catalog
Write SQL queries to answer specific questions on your dataset and run your queries with Amazon Athena
Return the query results in a pandas dataframe
Produce and select different plots and visualizations that address your questions
Project 2 Detect data bias with Amazon SageMaker Clarify
Download and save raw unbalanced dataset
Analyze bias with open source Clarify
Balance the dataset
Analyze bias at scale with a Amazon SageMaker processing job and Clarify
Analyze bias reports before and after balancing the dataset
Project 3 Train a model with Amazon SageMaker Autopilot
Dataset review
Configure the Autopilot job
Launch Autopilot job
Track Autopilot job progress
Feature engineering
Model training and tuning
Review all output
Deploy and test best candidate model
Project 4 Train a text classifier using Amazon SageMaker BlazingText built-in algorithm
Prepare dataset
Train the model with Amazon SageMaker BlazingText
Deploy the model
Test the model
Automate a natural language processing task by building an end-to-end machine learning pipeline using Hugging Face’s highly-optimized implementation of the state-of-the-art BERT algorithm with Amazon SageMaker Pipelines. The pipeline will first transform the dataset into BERT-readable features and store the features in the Amazon SageMaker Feature Store. It will then fine-tune a text classification model to the dataset using a Hugging Face pre-trained model, which has learned to understand the human language from millions of Wikipedia documents. Finally, your pipeline will evaluate the model’s accuracy and only deploy the model if the accuracy exceeds a given threshold.
Practical data science is geared towards handling massive datasets that do not fit in your local hardware and could originate from multiple sources. One of the biggest benefits of developing and running data science projects in the cloud is the agility and elasticity that the cloud offers to scale up and out at a minimum cost.
The focus of these projects are on developing ML workflows using Amazon SageMaker, Python and SQL programming languages. I fully recommend you these projects if you want to learn how to build, train, and deploy scalable, end-to-end ML pipelines in the AWS cloud.
Steps ML_Pipelines_using_BERT
Configure the SageMaker Feature Store
Transform the dataset
Inspect the transformed data
Query the Feature Store
Train a review classifier with BERT and Amazon SageMaker
Configure dataset
Configure model hyper-parameters
Setup evaluation metrics, debugger and profiler
Train model
Analyze debugger results
Deploy and test the model
SageMaker pipelines to train a BERT-Based text classifier
Configure dataset and processing step
Configure training step
Configure model-evaluation step
Configure register model step
Create model for deployment step
Check accuracy condition step
Create and start pipeline
List pipeline artifacts
Approve and deploy model
In this lab, you will do the following:
- Define and run a pipeline using a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with specific pipeline parameters and model hyper-parameters
- Define a processing step that cleans, balances, transforms, and splits our dataset into train, validation, and test dataset
- Define a training step that trains a model using the train and validation datasets
- Define a processing step that evaluates the trained model's performance on the test dataset
- Define a register model step that creates a model package from the trained model
- Define a conditional step that checks the model's performance and conditionally registers the model for deployment
This notebook focuses on the following features of Amazon SageMaker Pipelines:
- Pipelines - a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of steps and conditions to orchestrate SageMaker jobs and resource creation
- Processing job steps - a simplified, managed experience on SageMaker to run data processing workloads, such as feature engineering, data validation, model evaluation, and model explainability
- Training job steps - an iterative process that teaches a model to make predictions on new data by presenting examples from a training dataset
- Conditional step execution - provides conditional execution of branches in a pipeline
- Registering models - register a model in a model registry to create a deployable models in Amazon SageMaker
- Parameterized pipeline executions - allows pipeline executions to vary by supplied parameters
- Model endpoint - hosts the model as a REST endpoint to serve predictions from new data
Configure dataset and processing step
Configure training step
Configure model-evaluation step
Configure register model step
Create model for deployment step
Check accuracy condition step
Create and start pipeline
List pipeline artifacts
Approve and deploy model
BERT Pipeline
The pipeline that you will create follows a typical machine learning application pattern of pre-processing, training, evaluation, and model registration.
In the processing step, you will perform feature engineering to transform the review_body
text into BERT embeddings using the pre-trained BERT model and split the dataset into train, validation and test files. The transformed dataset is stored in a feature store. To optimize for Tensorflow training, the transformed dataset files are saved using the TFRecord format in Amazon S3.
In the training step, you will fine-tune the BERT model to the customer reviews dataset and add a new classification layer to predict the sentiment
for a given review_body
In the evaluation step, you will take the trained model and a test dataset as input, and produce a JSON file containing classification evaluation metrics.
In the condition step, you will register the trained model if the accuracy of the model, as determined by our evaluation step, exceeds a given threshold value.
Project 1 - Optimize models using Automatic Model Tuning
When training ML models, hyperparameter tuning is a step taken to find the best performing training model. In this lab you will apply a random algorithm of Automated Hyperparameter Tuning to train a BERT-based natural language processing (NLP) classifier. The model analyzes customer feedback and classifies the messages into positive (1), neutral (0), and negative (-1) sentiments.
Configure dataset
Configure and run hyper-parameter tuning job
Evaluate the results
Project 2 A/B testing, traffic shifting and autoscaling
Create an endpoint with multiple variants, splitting the traffic between them. Then after testing and reviewing the endpoint performance metrics, you will shift the traffic to one variant and configure it to autoscale.
Configure and create REST Enpoint with multiple variants
Test the model
Show the metrics for each variant
Shift all traffic to one variant
Configure one variant to autoscale
Project 3 Data labeling and human-in-the-loop pipelines with Amazon Augmented AI (A2I)
Create your own human workforce, a human task UI, and then define the human review workflow to perform data labeling. You will make the original predictions of the labels with the custom ML model, and then create a human loop if the probability scores are lower than the preset threshold. After the completion of the human loop tasks, you will review the results and prepare data for re-training.
Setup private workforce and Cognito pool
Create the Human Task UI using a Worker Task Template
Create a Flow Definition
Start and check the status of human loop
Verify the completion
View the labels and prepare data for training
BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
Fundamental Techniques of Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
Amazon SageMaker Debugger: A system for real-time insights into machine learning model training
Advanced model training, tuning, and evaluation:
Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning
Advanced model deployment, and monitoring:
Data labeling and human-in-the-loop pipelines:
Towards Automated Data Quality Management for Machine Learning
Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Developer Guide
Create high-quality instructions for Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth labeling jobs
Amazon SageMaker Augmented AI (Amazon A2I) Developer Guide
Amazon Augmented AI Sample Task UIs
Liquid open source Template Language
Elastic Machine Learning Algorithms in Amazon SageMaker