Online behavioral experiment for deepnet paper powered by Flask
The above website no longer available as heroku stopped free services as of Nov 28, 2022
pip install -r requirements.txt
- add codes for analytic pipeline
- debug: sprial contracting issue
- sample size reduced to 100
- increase range from (-2,2) to (-3,+3)
- number of trial increased from 50 to 100
- add functionality to download sql db
- minor adjustments to figure styling
- debug: check for memory leakage (switched to "agg" backend for matplotlib)
- connect to heroku postgres for database management (sqlite for local, postgres for production)
- add "catch" trials (only sampled within the unit circle; interspersed throughout the test)
- add practice trials at the end of the tutorials (currently 5 trials)
- include consent language (placed in the very first page)
- implement spiral posterior
- spiral parameters modified (reduced noise 2.5 -> 1.0)
- add feedback panel at the end of the experiment
populate exactly the equal parts of each pattern
- modify tutorial to emphasize likelihood judgement
- further simplify tutorials and visually more attractive
- remove slider bubble and change tick labels
- Hard set the experiment trials to 50
- Simplify tutorials
- Create manual admin mode to activate/deactivate admin panels
- Change slider style
- Change overall interface styling
- Update the manual
- Have someone to run through the experiment
- Admin mode deactivated for deployment