Do first, understand later. That is the approach here. If you are new to some of these technologies, don’t worry about it. Just follow along, and dive into topics afterward.
In this guide, we will:
- Forking a github repository.
- Modifying content and pushing code.
- Auto deploy to Cloudflare pages.
What you will need:
- Node.JS is installed on your local machine. (
- Yarn installed on your local system. (
- An Github account. (sign up for free
- A Cloudflare account with a domain registered. (
Nowadays web applications like Linktree are used by developers to showcase their social, project links. Today let's see how to create our custom Linktree by below easy 3 steps. Let's dive in...
Forking Github Repository
Linktree Template this is a link to my Linktree Clone repository which was developed using React, Styled-Components. We can even use Next JS instead of React for better Search Engine Optimizing and better search indexing. LinkFree this is a link to the Linktree Clone which was developed using Next JS.
If you already have a github directly login or create a new github account then head over to the Linktree Clone repository link then clone as shown in the above image.
Updating Github Repository
Once you have cloned the repository to your github account then press dot or create new codespaces as shown in the below image.
This will open the current repository in a web view visual studio code. Now find the src/data/data.js file. That file will almost like this
const socialLinks = [
const profileData = {
userName: "vigneshshettyin",
photoLink: "",
desc: "Tech Geek | Mentor @ DeltaSJEC",
const themeData = {
light: {
backgroundColor: "white",
onHoverBackgroundColor: "#dfe6e9",
cardBackgroundColor: "#ffffff",
onHoverTextColor: "#636e72",
footerColor: "black",
footerSocialLinkColor: "white",
headerFontColor: "#black",
CardtextColor: "#2d3436",
dark: {
backgroundColor: "#000000",
onHoverBackgroundColor: "#02040a",
cardBackgroundColor: "#222222",
onHoverTextColor: "white",
footerColor: "white",
footerSocialLinkColor: "white",
headerFontColor: "white",
CardtextColor: "white",
const linkData = [
id: 1,
link: "",
name: "Meetly - Conferencing App",
id: 2,
link: "",
name: "Certify - Certification App",
id: 3,
link: "",
name: "EatMyUrl - Free URL Shortener",
id: 4,
link: "",
name: "BulkMailer - Free Bulk Mailer App",
id: 5,
link: "",
name: "Tesla UI Clone Using ReactJS",
id: 6,
link: "",
name: "Free S.E.O Scrapper / API",
id: 7,
link: "",
name: "Free Blogging Application",
id: 8,
link: "",
name: "Free Blogging Application",
id: 9,
link: "",
name: "Open-Source React",
id: 10,
link: "",
name: "Display Links Uniquely ",
id: 11,
link: "",
name: "Quick Guide To Deploy Using Docker",
export { socialLinks, profileData, linkData, themeData };
Now, update the content as per your requirements. Once the data is updated the next step is to push the updated code to the current repository. Go to the source control section on the sidebar or press [Ctrl + Shift + G]
In Step - 1 we are writing a commit message. Step - 2 we are pushing the updated content to the current github repository. Now, if we check the Linktree Clone github repository our data will be updated. The next step is to host the site using Cloudflare Pages.
Deploy - Cloudflare Pages
Head over to Cloudflare Pages Website. Log in if you have already created a Cloudflare account or else sign up.
Click on create a project then there will be a pop-up to connect to GitHub or GitLab. Choose GitHub as we have already pushed the code to GitHub.
Once GitHub is connected to Cloudflare then change the setting as given in the above image. Now, our Linktree Clone repository is linked to the Cloudflare Pages project.
Update Build command & Build output directory accordingly as given in the above image then click on the save and deploy button which will start the deployment process. If Framework preset is selected as none by default change it to Create React App. The deployment process may take around 4-5 minutes.
Hurray!! Now our Linktree Clone is auto deployed using Cloudflare Pages. If required you can link a custom domain by updating the CNAME record. Cloudflare Pages Docs