An action to build Julia from source for a given commit.
See action.yml
name: Example
on: [push, pull_request, workflow_dispatch]
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# Even if you are only running one build, you may want to use a strategy matrix,
# as it allows you to refer to the ref using ${{ matrix.julia-ref }} in your workflow.
# This makes it easier to edit the version that you want to build without having to update
# several steps.
julia-ref: [v1.5.3]
- name: Cache
id: cache-julia
uses: actions/cache@v2
# If you use a different target dir, you may want to update the cache key to include that info.
# actions/cache does not provide an option to specify the target dir for restoring the cache,
# so you may run into issues where the target dir of the build-julia action mismatches the cached directory.
path: ~/julia
# Note that this cache key will not work with branches
# because there could be new commits after the cache has been created.
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.julia-ref }}
- name: Build Julia
# Only rebuild Julia if there is no cache hit.
if: steps.cache-julia.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
uses: julia-actions/build-julia@v1
# The value that is passed to git checkout, e.g. a tag, branch or a commit.
# Default: master
ref: ${{ matrix.julia-ref }}
# The value that is passed to git clone. If you want to build Julia from a fork of yours,
# you can change this value to
# Default:
source-repo: ''
# The directory that Julia will be installed in. Changing this may be useful when building several
# versions of Julia within the same environment.
# Default: $HOME/julia
target-dir: ''