Slideshow plugin for PhotoSwipe v5
The plugin has a single JS file that must be imported.
It can be initialized like this:
<script type="module">
import PhotoSwipeLightbox from 'photoswipe/dist/photoswipe-lightbox.esm.min.js';
import PhotoSwipeSlideshow from 'photoswipe-slideshow/photoswipe-slideshow.esm.min.js';
const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({
gallerySelector: '#gallery',
childSelector: '.pswp-gallery__item',
pswpModule: () => import('photoswipe/dist/photoswipe.esm.js'),
const _slideshowPlugin = new PhotoSwipeSlideshow(lightbox, {
// Plugin options, for example:
defaultDelayMs: 4000, // 4 sec
Slideshow delay in milliseconds.
Must be a number between 1000
(1 second) and 2147483647
(approximately 24.85 days).
If using the Video plugin, note that slides with playing video will use the video's remaining length as the slideshow delay.
Where to place the slideshow toggle button, relative to other toolbar items.
By default, it's placed next to the slide counter. See PhotoSwipe's API for the order of the default elements.
Position for the progress bar.
Must be either top
or bottom
Progress bar animation.
See for supported values.
The ease
animation starts slowly, quickly speeds up until the middle, then slows down.
Slides with image content will use this animation, while
slides with video content will use a linear
transition, to match a video player's seekbar.
Whether slide changes should restart the timer.
This is useful if manual slide changes are expected during a slideshow, especially if mixing image and video content.
Whether the progress bar can be hidden by the Auto Hide UI plugin.
The plugin adds elements with the following CSS attributes:
: A button for starting or stopping the slideshow -
: The slideshow progress bar.pswp__progress-bar.running
: The progress bar while the slideshow is running
: Start or stop the slideshow -
or the Up/Down arrow keys: Change the slideshow playback speed by 1 second